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Everything posted by caze

  1. caze

    Now Reading

    yeah, was surprised about the huge praise it got. I thought it was fine, but nothing particularly innovative, a quick read and relatively engaging story. could make for a decent movie though.
  2. more vaporwave with that colour scheme surely?
  3. was probably this: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/bernie-sanders-campaign-last-days-224041
  4. so how did I miss cheetah 7? Same thing happened to me. Saw the Cheetah thing was imminent so decided to relisten to them with this context in mind. I knew there were two but I usually listen to the afx sc in 2-3hr chunks. When I searched my computer only one came up. Decided I was mistaken, maybe I was thinking of the cottage tracks, and listened to Cheetah3. It was chatmm that corrected me. Searched computer again, nothing. So, like a lot of people here I'm sure, I at first was ripping the sc tracks. Then when rdj enabled downloads I started replacing the rips with the proper downloads. Then when JSMCPN made his meticulously tagged mega.nz archive, I scrapped everything and got those to replace them. Turns out in the mega.nz archive cheetah7 is available in 4 different file types. So I'm guessing if you download the whole thing in one chunk it omits that track? Anyway, nice tracks. Should be an interesting ep. I'm DLing the archive as a ZIP to see if anything is missing when done that way. There shouldn't be, but since a number of other tracks are also in multiple formats I'd better check. all four formats of CHEETAH7 are there ok, downloaded this again yesterday. not sure what the point of '215 - 0512 - CHEETAHT7 Teac.wv' is though?
  5. actually, this isn't fair. what's probably actually happening now is just horse trading, his endorsement is going to cost the Clinton administration something, whether it's the appointment of a veep or a few cabinet seats or whatever, either for himself or more likely someone else he wants.
  6. He went off injured in the first leg, looked like a decent player, big and imposing, and seems quite composed for a young centre back too.
  7. It's not the same thing at all, because it's been obvious for months that Sanders wasn't going to win, which has lead to rapidly increasing levels of delusion and paranoia amongst a section of Sanders supporters, so you could not in any way create an identical list for Clinton supporters. now maybe if the roles had been reversed a similar thing might have happened with them, or maybe it wouldn't? we'll never know. sadly that delusion seems to have spread to the candidate himself, he really should've conceded last night. dumb move on his part, unless he wants to increase the chances of a trump presidency?
  8. it is true, she's received over three million more votes than him. sanders tended to do well in northern states with low minority demographics and open primary systems (i.e. where you don't have to be a registered democrat to vote), clinton won the majority by a big margin in the other states (especially in the south).
  9. not a list of random things 'some' bernie sanders supporter might say, but actual things they have been saying recently, in all kinds of silly articles and blog posts all over the internet.
  10. it's not that interesting, more people have voted for her, it's pretty simple.
  11. did you even read the linked article? I'm not the one who needs to get over anything btw, I'm not even a particularly big fan of Clinton's, I've just been finding the rabid-anti-clinton stuff to be entertainingly dumb. and when I said 'did far better than he had any right to do' that was a genuine compliment. he did surprisingly well.
  12. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/6/7/1535431/-If-HRC-wins-Calif-it-will-prove-she-rigged-it
  13. lol, stolen. bronie sanderp did far better than he had any right to do, good effort.
  14. caze


    What are these from? Truly bizarre
  15. 2nd episode was even less like the comic, but still pretty good. the main guy is definitely not well cast.
  16. well half of it probably won't be new. but yay all the same.
  17. that was TARP. dodd-frank was the regulatory update.
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