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Everything posted by caze

  1. No, the polls are still indicating a Clinton victory. nope. the polls are indicating trump is leading clinton by 3 points but losing to bernie by 15 points No, a poll is indicating Trump +3, the polls are indicating a Clinton win. Anyway, once the rabid bern bros vent their retardation and the debates start Clinton will pull out ahead again.
  2. there'll be plenty of violence, but it's cable, so no sex nor bad cursing, fucking yanks .
  3. Wouldn't be so sure about that. I think he'll be waiting to see what his performances at the Euros do in terms of transfer prospects, can't imagine he'll be happy at the prospect of spending another season on the bench - never mind what he just said, that's standard boilerplate waffle.
  4. caze

    elseq 1-5

    for me this is the best thing they've done since LP5/EP7, doesn't quite surpass those, and nowhere near as amazing as Chiastic Slide (though one of the reasons I like elseq so much is that it really reminds me of that at times, particularly the filter modulation on the synths, though here it's used in a more fragmentary manner). there have been individual tracks on the albums in between that I've loved, and I've liked the rest without feeling all that strongly about it, but I don't think any of the albums on the whole reach the heights they set in their middle period. been listening to 3, 4 and 5 repeatedly over the last few days, mesh cinereal > acdwn2 > foldfree casual > latent call is an amazing progression of tracks, my favourite section of the release by far. need to listen to 5 more on it's own though, as I've been falling asleep to it and probably not got to the end much before conking out. then I'll go back over the first two again. still haven't listened to it from start to finish yet.
  5. No, the polls are still indicating a Clinton victory. Trump has only had three national polls where he's had an advantage, two of which were by notably biased pollsters too (Fox and Rasmussen). The two most recent polls came out on Sunday, and showed Clinton +3 in one, and Trump +2 in the other.
  6. Yeah. I never read the comic, though have it downloaded now. I thought it was alright, nicely put together, acting was decent, Cassidy in particular was quite entertaining (good to see an American show pulling off a proper regional Irish accent compared to the usual nonsense they come out with, yanks could probably do with some subtitles for him I'm guessing), I lol'd at the bit with Tom Cruise. I'll probably have the comic read before the 2nd episode comes out, no doubt they'll have changed a lot - toned down apparent blasphemous heights the comic reaches no doubt, though to have any kind of even vaguely anti-religious thing on US cable is impressive.
  7. so clearly staged, but i'll give them a lol all the same.
  8. "Ridley, if people don't enjoy this stupid shit we'll just blame them for being irrational." "Brilliant!" I like those guys occasionally, but their schtick there is pretty ironic, as their dumb persona is actually pretty accurate given the stupidity of the points that they bring up.
  9. yes, another film to follow in the footsteps of classic films like Alien, Aliens and Prometheus. I think the hate for Prometheus is largely irrational, and that if Alien came out today it would be heavily criticised for many of the same reasons. People today seem to have very entitled opinions when it comes to art in general, far more so than in the past, I think that's one of the big problems here.
  10. Mourinho to United so. Feel sorry for all the young lads Van Gaal brought through over the last two seasons (who am I kidding, no I don't).
  11. caze

    elseq 1-5

    I loved the tracks in the latter part (don't have the names of everything locked down yet) that slowly built up and then in the last few minutes a driving rhythm comes out of nowhere to finish things off, there were two of them I think.
  12. caze

    elseq 1-5

    No. Transients are most affected by sampling rate, and more importantly compression (which can smear a transient out over time in certain cases depending on the settings, leading to a softer attack - though that shouldn't be a problem with high bitrate mp3s, and most of these things have been fixed in the current VBR formats too). In theory, but that's well within the limits of 16 bit still. Technically 16-bit only provides 96db range (which is below the limits of human hearing), in practice though using dither and noise shaping that's liften well beyond the human hearing range (so the noise floor should still remain undetectable (by several orders of magnitude) even when played really loud, you'll definitely hear noise from your equipment before you'll hear any noise from anything else, you're probably more likely to hear the noise from the electrons before you hear noise from the samples!).
  13. caze

    elseq 1-5

    yeah, so back to the topic at hand. listened to 3, 4, and 5 today. a lot more mellow than the first two for the most part (though plenty of mental bits as well). definitely prefer these ones overall to the first two. mesh eastre, cinearelal and foldfree casual are particularly amazing, not sure the names of the other tracks I loved, will listen again later tonight.
  14. caze

    elseq 1-5

    yeah, that would definitely be all in your head. bit depth only relates to dynamic range (the bits represent the volumes sampled for each tick of the freq) and 16 bits already allows for a far greater range than the human ear is capable of hearing (i.e. quieter than the quietest thing you can hear and louder than the loudest most deafening thing you can handle), not accuracy in reproduction of the waveform in any way (which is related to the sampling rate - though higher sampling rates that 44.1 are likely of no use to us either).
  15. caze

    elseq 1-5

    I don't think we're quite there yet with the inconsequentiality of disk space, especially with the move to SSDs, and especially if your drives are filled up with HD video like mine are.
  16. caze

    elseq 1-5

    Yeah, v0 makes the most sense most of the time. And the lossless conversion point is valid, however, it's probably a lot easier to just download the thing again if you need a different format at some point in the future. Also, mp3 doesn't look like it's going anywhere any time soon.
  17. caze

    elseq 1-5

    true. more intact in which format vs which other format? there will be zero difference (in a mathematically provable way) between the transients in the flac and the 24bit wav.
  18. caze

    elseq 1-5

    It's ok, there's no valid reason to buy anything other than the mp3, so just think of the markup as an idiot-tax and everything's right with the world. The FLAC tax. Yeah, despite all the hype among audiophiles there is virtually no discernible difference between 24 bit WAVs and mp3s. I mean, it's real. But it's only slightly realer than the parables of Jesus. Just copped the MP3s, downloading now. Archiving. Even if I could never tell the difference, I always save the very best quality I can find; doing otherwise just seems silly to me. Why explicitely pay for an inferior version? For me the increased price is completely inconsequential in that regard, but then again I'm not familiar with the employment status of most people here. 1) costs less 2) sounds the same seems impractical and shitty to pay 66% more for the other version. the only cogent argument that's been made is wanting to put more money in æ's pockets, in which case it's understandable. Other than that it's complete bullshit that it costs that much more. well from their point of view it costs more in terms of bandwidth and storage, but from the listeners point of view it isn't worth any more in any real sense.
  19. caze

    elseq 1-5

    what's inferior about it? in what exact way is it better quality? there is zero reason for the 24bit wav certainly (all you're paying for there is extra dynamic range which isn't being used), even if there might be some theoretical chance of a slight difference between the mp3 and the flac (even then it's unlikely anyone could actually tell the difference between anyway).
  20. caze

    elseq 1-5

    it's definitely not too long and too boring, maybe too long, and too mental. I've only listened to it twice so far though, and was cooking the second time so it didn't have my full attention, though the end of it is very good and there are loads of nice bits in it. if it had been put on a regular album it would've been edited down massively no doubt.
  21. caze

    elseq 1-5

    It's ok, there's no valid reason to buy anything other than the mp3, so just think of the markup as an idiot-tax and everything's right with the world.
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