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Everything posted by caze

  1. about to have a london mule: gin+lime+ginger beer+mint
  2. I haven't eaten a burger all year. It's bbq time now though, so maybe this weekend.
  3. Mestre Pere et Fils, Santenay. A lovely, fruity, Bourgogne. Had it with a nice Pizza.
  4. you're thinking of superdelegates, but that's just for the dems (the GOP do actually have a few of them, but it's tiny in comparison). delegates are awarded differently in each state, but mostly it's the majority winner in each district gets a proportional number the state's delegates, I guess voters in the primaries might be able to enter a write in candidate (or they might not, don't know the rules, might count as a spoilt ballot), but even if that was possible enough people wouldn't do that to win anyone else any delegates. there will be no contested convention.
  5. caze

    Indian music

  6. No, you misunderstand. There won't be a contested convention because Trump will now hoover up virtually all the remaining delegates and will have more than enough to avoid one.
  7. the RNC is just going to throw ten pounds of shit in the air at the convention and see where it lands. if the convention is "contested" they can nominate whoever they want. How can it be contested now? Trump has no-one running against him.
  8. http://www.theonion.com/article/thousands-cheering-americans-packed-park-ted-cruz--52862
  9. noooo. don't drop out, we need more gifs like this damnit.
  10. lamb curry, a coriander, mint, cream sauce. was v. lush. spent hours cooking the fucking thing, made loads so lots of leftovers for freezing, but then my brother spills the lot on the ground, ffs.
  11. great tune, hadn't heard before. damn you schmidt, you made too much music.
  12. Cruz also threatened to assassinate Iran's Ayatollah. Some solid foreign policying there.
  13. Carol - Some lovely cinematography and music, but dragged a bit towards the end and I lost interest, the curiosity and initial attraction between the two of them was enough to keep me interested at the start, but once they went on their road trip the connection between them started to seem fairly superficial and uninteresting, not sure if that was down to poor acting, writing, or directing, but it lost me either way.
  14. second bottle of wine, Morey St Denis, another Burgundy. a few sips in and I think it really needs to breath, going to decant this guy.
  15. Just opened a bottle of Mercurey, Domaine des Chaumellottes, it's very nice. Going to have it with some reheated curry, onion bhajis and samosas I had in the freezer.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQrStg3DZsA
  17. binged 6 episodes of The Americans last night, pretty good from a keeping-you-hooked-on-the-plot point of view. hard to judge something objectively when you binge so much of a show though, starts messing with your brain after a while.
  18. generic superhero action movie #54 - pretty generic, big face-off scene in the middle at the airport was boring me to tears, terribly written as well, 90% of the witty banter fell completely flat.
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