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Everything posted by caze

  1. caze

    Go Corbyn

    what huge surge in support? you do realise the party just had a significant chunk of their previous voters vote against the party in the referendum? also: http://www.heraldscotland.com/politics/14581225.Poll__Dumping_Corbyn_would_give_Labour__39_s_popularity_12_point_poll_boost/
  2. caze

    Go Corbyn

    I don't really care, as I hate Labour. So I guess that means, someone less capable than Corbyn. lol.
  3. caze

    Go Corbyn

    No, every election an MP has to reapply to the party to run again (usually a formality), the party can vote against them, the leader cannot unilaterally deselect anyone. The party cannot deselect the majority of their MPs though, that would be ridiculous. There are only three reasonable outcomes to this, either he resigns (or runs again and loses), isn't allowed to run again and splits the party, or runs again and wins and we're back to square one.
  4. caze

    Go Corbyn

    Other junior people have resigned too, a couple can't resign for some reason I'm not aware of (though they want to), and plenty of those left have either previously been sacked or resigned, or wouldn't accept the job anyway. If he runs again and wins none of that will change, he never had the support of the parliamentary party. If they keep him off the ballot there's a chance the party would split, it could be what he's hoping for, I'm sure he'd be delighted to still be in charge of something, even if it meant that he could never actually achieve anything politically.
  5. caze

    Go Corbyn

    It's pretty funny, he'll struggle to find enough MPs to appoint to his cabinet. Same if he gets re-elected, it's pretty certain he'll lose the no-confidence vote tomorrow. Rumours he's going to appoint Caroline Lucas! lol.
  6. i binged on the last 5 episodes of bloodline last night, good in parts, but some v bad acting at times too, especially that scene towards the end between john and his wife (wtf was he doing with his face?!?), also his wife seemed to forget her american accent half way through the series (I didn't realise she was australian until then).
  7. caze

    Cheetah EP

    it was amazon, but the samples were taken down very shortly after they went up.
  8. caze

    Cheetah EP

    yeah, spot on about the SAW vibes, track doesn't really sound much like analord or tuss to me despite what loads of people seem to think. those two were far more dancefloor oriented, this is way more chilled out. it's closer in style to his early stuff than to Syro, though obviously using a far more similar sonic palette to that than his older stuff.
  9. went out the back garden to do a bit of weeding for 15 minutes, now suffering a massive case of hayfever. have emptied half a pack of tissues already.
  10. caze

    Cheetah EP

    yes, though I guess maybe less so for smaller labels and aritists.
  11. caze

    Cheetah EP

    I think the kid himself might be making tunes, him mum mentioned he had a soundcloud, he also has this 'version' of pulsewidth:
  12. caze

    Cheetah EP

    I thought maybe that the kid had shot everything but that Warp got someone to edit it together, but it seems he's done the entire thing from start to finish. Nice job kid!
  13. What languages/frameworks are they using?
  14. wait, you mean you actually watched the video? I took one look a the preview still and scrolled quickly on by...
  15. what are those specific circumstances? the language you want to use is very closely linked to what you want to do with it, e.g. if you need performance you'll want c/c++; if you want something quick/lightweight/not a lot of code (usually an interface over some more complicated backend) you'll want javascript, python or ruby; for something you'll expect to write and maintain a lot of code for you'll want a static type system (so something like c#, java, or go), something heavily maths oriented you'll want a functional language (scheme, f#). having said that, languages are becoming more flexible, so most modern imperative languages have lots functional features (python, c#, javascript), performance is getting better all the time with dynamic languages (though not to the degree where you'd write an OS or a game or anything where performance is super critical), and dynamic languages are getting better at dealing with larger code bases (e.g. typescript for javascript, python is ok in that regard too). There's also the barrier to entry to think about, so learning javascript or python is going to be a lot easier to get your head around than c++ or scheme). There's endless resources online though, so if you really want to get stuck in there's really no excuse, no matter what option you choose, lots of decent video courses on youtube even. If it's something simple you're after python is a decent place to start, room to develop into more involved scenarios as well.
  16. the ordering is important yes. though I don't bother with bacon. bun > mayo > onion rings (not chopped, you want to bite into them) > shredded iceberg (again, you want the crunch, no fancy lettuce) > burger (just beef mince, salt + pepper, no thicker than 1/2") > tomato slice(s) > ketchup > pickle > bun usually toast the bun a bit, but not always, depends on the bun. sometimes I add a bit of mustard to either the ketchup or the mayo layer, or both; cheese goes between the burger and tomato if I'm having, but I usually don't bother. a burger should be a manageable size too, none of the kind of nonsense you see all the time in this thread that you can't even fit in your mouth. the biggest problem is finding a decent bun, most supermarket buns are either too small or fall apart too easily, and the more stable non-traditional type ones have too crunchy a surface layer. never bothered trying to make them myself, must try to do a brioche style bun sometime.
  17. caze

    Cheetah EP

    lol, this is great. good job kid! the way he's roped in the girls on the estate as backing dancers.... ha. it's probably just his da.
  18. Trump only has just over $1 million in campaign funds apparently, compared to Clinton's over $40 million, on top of that a large chunk of the Trump's donations seem to be going to his own business and to pay off his kids for various nonsense. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-campaign-payments_us_5768a69ee4b0853f8bf1fe2d Is his whole campaign just a grift on rich Republicans? [tinfoilhat]Possibly orchestrated by the Clintons to destroy the republic party[/tinfoilhat]
  19. The key was to auto-spawn and click the golden cookies (but not the wrath cookies), that way you remain with a 7x and 777x multiplier, plus all the bonus cookies: ..up to 8.5 quadrillion a second now.
  20. caze

    Cheetah EP

    this sounds pretty different, perc is much much clearer. sounds like more than just mastering, sounds like a different mix. i've not listened to them back to back though, so might be just hearing things.
  21. I just sold all my grannies in order to pause the Grandmapocalypse so I can get some fucking sleep. Hitting over 3 quadrillion cookies per second now.
  22. I've just opened my first portal to the cookieverse, 455million/second.
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