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Everything posted by caze

  1. Yeah, just listened again, great from start to finish. The last two tracks are great in particular.
  2. caze

    Go Corbyn

    that article is bullshit. it also engages in the kind of conspiracy theorizing that the report complains about. 'jews control the media' is an obvious anti-semitic trope, one the report even calls out and tells Labour folk not to engage in, unfortunately the momentum activist does exactly that when he claims the Jewish MP was in league with the Telegraph. she was right to be outraged, what the fuck was he even doing there handing out deselection leaflets and questioning the leader about media conspiracies? it was a press conference about anti-semitism ffs. the fact that Corbyn didn't see anything wrong with what he said tells you everything you need to know really. the misquote of Corbyn angle is also bullshit, the initial tweet (which was what the newspapers went with initially) about what he said wasn't 100% accurate (it left out 's and organisations'), but even when it was corrected, and a Corbyn aide said that he meant by 'self styled Islamic States and organisations' countries like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, and organisations like Hamas (the latter being a terrorist organisation, like ISIS). It's still a ridiculous thing to say, as even then it compares Israel with Hamas. but I don't buy his aides explanation anyway, nobody calls majority muslim states 'self styled islamic states' (certainly not Pakistan), whereas everybody calls ISIS 'the self styled' or 'so called' Islamic State (google those phrases in google if you don't believe me). seems like an obvious dog whistle to the anti-semitic core of his grassroots campaigners. if he had wanted to make an accurate analogy he should have compared Jews and Israel to Americans and the US Government (for example).
  3. yeah, Lambert was great in the season before he came to us, we signed him as a backup player, but he ended up playing a bit more than expected due to injuries, but he'd lost whatever pace he had to begin with (which wasn't much), and also went from scoring every penalty in his career to missing his first for us, lol. had a few good games though.
  4. hopefully United's recent striker curse will continue with Zlatan, decent chance he's past it. Mkhitaryan at worst will as good as Mata was for United (i.e. slightly disappointing), he's got a bit more pace and directness, more of a goal threat, but might find it hard to adapt to the rigours of PL play, he's not the most physical of players.
  5. caze

    Cheetah EP

    listening to the stream for a second time now, the new tracks on it are really good. CHEETAHT2 is a nice opener, nice spacy percussion (love the subtle flanging all over the EP too). CHEETAHT7b definitely sounds a lot better than the soundcloud version, different mix too with those high synths more prominent and repeated more towards the end of the track, extended outro too. wish the 2nd filler track was turned into a proper track, lovely sounds. the MfM style melodies on CIRKLON 1 are great, love the bassline too, it's probably the second best track on there after CIRKLON3. 2X202 fits in quite snugly on the end there, nice closer. overall a very good EP, a more chilled out, simpler accompaniment to Syro, with lots of nice little call backs to some classic era stuff (SAW1/MFM/GAK in particular).
  6. caze

    Go Corbyn

  7. caze

    Cheetah EP

    it works if you use the link from https://bleep.com/account rather than the actual release page.
  8. caze

    Go Corbyn

    Labour had a press conference today for the release of a report on anti-semitism within the Labour party, Corbyn compares Israel to ISIS, momentum activists start handing out leaflets calling for deselection of 'traitors', one of whom accuses a jewish Labour MP of "colluding" with the Telegraph, she leaves in tears.
  9. caze

    Go Corbyn

    what about people who would rather see the world as a society with a working economy?
  10. caze

    Cheetah EP

    I'm just getting 'Download failed. Please try again.', tried multiple times now.
  11. caze

    Cheetah EP

    https://itunes.apple.com/us/post/idsa.36e93ff1-3e15-11e6-a8ab-64fc7d3fabc8 that's what I'm talking about. forgot zane no longer at the bbc.
  12. caze

    Cheetah EP

    I didn't notice much difference in the CHEETAH7b vs the soundcloud, though it appears to be 40 seconds longer? Seems to be still quite low quality, but that could just be the BBC stream.
  13. caze

    Cheetah EP

    Nice track, seems a bit more like an ODS track than the others. Simple, nice sounds, nothing amazing, but nice.
  14. Lol obviously not those 3, but quite a few of the others. Looks like we are closing Mkhitaryan. If we get him that would be pretty goddamned exciting. The end of Mata's time at United presumably? Also, I think people have been far too critical of Lovren. He was atrocious in his first six months at Liverpool, then he got injured, but since he came back he's mostly been pretty good, not amazing or anything, but very good at times, and usually pretty decent. Interestingly his upturn in form after he came back from injury coincided with the sudden appearance of a goatee, replaced with his evil twin from the the Star Trek Mirror Universe?
  15. caze

    Go Corbyn

    also, 'the people' don't really love Corbyn either, I mean some people clearly do, but most people seem to think he's a well meaning idiot stuck in the 1970s.
  16. caze

    Go Corbyn

    labour are not doing great in the polls.
  17. it feels a little off to me, not comfortable in it's own skin or something, hasn't nailed down an identity (it certainly isn't trying to recreate the comic's). definitely good in parts though, hopefully will get better.
  18. he means convict money, i.e. australian dollars (worth a good bit less than USD).
  19. Don't think he'll play through the middle. Klopp likes to play a single striker, and that'll be Sturridge/Origi/Ings in order of preference you'd think. Coutinho and Firmino are both likely to start, so I think that probably means Mané taking Lallana's spot. Obviously there'll be room to chop and change all that somewhat, and it's a flexible lineup during a game as well.
  20. five of them to us! presumably we get one free the next time we go back there.
  21. caze

    Go Corbyn

    he's lost the no-confidence motion 172 to 40, ouch. you can't deselect 80% of the labour party's MPs. either he resigns now, or he's an utter, utter, wanker. that rally they had yesterday was mostly made up of SWP members by the looks of things, so it'll be no surprise if he sticks around.
  22. Sadio Mane confirmed now, should be a great signing. We were really lacking in pace up front, aside from Origi. At his best he's pretty unplayable, finished off the season very strongly, impressive goal rate for a winger. Not always the most consistent performer, often seemed to have issues with the management (may have been related to his attempts to force a move to United), but this sounds like something that would be amenable to Klopp's magical man management skills.
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