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Everything posted by caze

  1. caze

    elseq 1-5

    The whole thing won't fit on a double CD, so it would either need to be missing a few tracks, or have some of them edited down (the 20min+ ones most obviously).
  2. https://soundcloud.com/danielfiggis/my-poor-little-house-without
  3. DAZED & CONFUSED is a magazine, and they had a listening party for Syro, hence the note on the album (which catalogues all the marketing expenses for the album).
  4. caze

    elseq 1-5

    so far this is sounding like a pretty great record. only listened to the first two, my brain was fairly melted though so I need to listen to something calming now. will listen to these two again tomorrow probably, wait a few days before I listen to the rest. lots of great variation over it so far, pretty diverse sounds, rhythms, and structures. 13x0 step and pendulu hv moda probably the best two so far.
  5. Rob Schneider is a true artist: http://www.irishtimes.com/culture/don-t-mess-with-the-schneider-1.927779
  6. The current polls don't suggest so. Trump has come out in front in a couple of battleground-state polls, but they're not very accurate at this point, if you look at all the national polls (10-15 most recent over the last couple months) Clinton has been getting between 2 and 13 point margins, and Trump has only come out ahead in 1 (by 2 points), and tied another I think (the average of the recent polls is Clinton +5.7). That looks fairly tight, but it would give Clinton a pretty comfortable electoral college win. Of course the election is still a long way off and the polls could change, and pretty much nobody thought Trump would make it this far, so who knows what'll happen between now and then, the polls could swing even more in Clinton's favour once the debates start up.
  7. a) Zlatan not a fan of Van Gaal, so any deal would presumably hinge on Mourinho arriving. b) Sounds like a story planted by the United board to get the fans excited while they end up not signing anyone of note until deadline day when they spend a record transfer on a 16 year old. c) His agent has rubbished the story, doesn't seem likely without CL.
  8. He's far from perfect (not great on crosses, and liable for 1-2 cockups a season), but he's a very good shot stopper (we wouldn't be in the final tomorrow without him), so he'll provide decent backup if this new guy turns out to be the shit.
  9. ...along with Piotr Zielinski of Udinese apparently (a 21 year Polish old all-round midfielder, we already signed a similar player in January - Serbian Marko Grujic), I wonder if that will spell the end for Allen? He's been in great form in the latter part of the season but Swansea are supposedly interested in taking him back. Lucas seems likely to leave, but the same is said at the end of every season for the last few years and he's still here, great squad player to have - especially as he can now do a job at centre-back as well, model pro too. I wouldn't mind us singing a young defensive midfielder either, don't think young Kevin Stewart has what it takes, but he's done alright, so might get another chance next season. Goetze still seems a likely option too, and we'll probably try to swap Benteke for a striker more suited to Klopp's style (e.g. more pace and energy, Benteke hasn't done badly for us actually, he's a good player, decent goals/minutes rate for us, but all round performances haven't been great). We've also got Lazar Markovic coming back from a productive loan period at Fenerbache, no idea what our plans for him will be, he was mostly played out wide under Rodgers (and wing-back bizarrely), think he's probably more suited to a central role. Shalke's Joel Matip also signed in January, probably to replace Skrtel (who had a tearful wave to the away fans at the last game apparently). Sakho's silliness and Touré's age/contract situation probably means we'll be in for another centre back as well. Some left-back competition for Moreno is on the cards as well, Leicester's Ben Chillwell and Leeds' Charlie Taylor two options. We've also just nicked two of Bayern's backroom staff, their nutritionist and fitness coach. As for outgoings, I'd be worried that Barca might be interested in Coutinho, Spurs want Lallana (Goetze would be an upgrade probably, not as hard working, but would have more end product one would think) and Henderson apparently. Don't think we need to worry about anyone being poached without our say-so aside from Coutinho, it'd be hard for him to turn down Barca (not that I've heard they're interested or anything, but it seems like an ideal place for him - their end of season wobble showed they could do with another player in that position).
  10. I thought you might have been joking, but that usually requires something to be funny, so I erred on the side of you being dumb. My apologies...
  11. they look like sausage rolls. I'm currently drinking a cup of tea and eating a toasted ham & cheese wrap.
  12. It says what it is in the post you quoted, it's a fungus.
  13. he's certainly a cock alright
  14. Not really, liberal has a different meaning over here for one thing, it means economic and social liberalism, in the US it's usually used as a right-wing bogey word for socialist (itself used mostly as a bogey word and not representative of actual socialism). Most here would consider that substantially to the right of most of the european left (though they might occasionally have certain more traditionally left-wing policies, tends to see-saw a lot on that front), and also to the right of much of the US Democratic party as well. There is far more variation on the left in europe, but virtually nowhere in Europe is there a significantly left wing party in power (Portugal and Greece only?). Even famously 'socialist' Sweden has economic policies that would be significantly to the right of Bernie Sanders for example. The general trend with mainstream left parties has been towards the centre/right over the last 50-60 years. Fringe hard-left movements, like Corbyn in Britain, or Podemos in Spain, see an increase in popularity from time to time (or hang around with small popularity all the time, in southern Europe mostly - where there are still a few active Communist parties even), but they're not electable at the moment, and will likely go away again when the economy sorts itself out over the coming years. The only sense in which Europe is more consistently to the left than the US is in terms of social welfare. Both US parties have histories of high government spending on most other areas, far in excess of most of Europe in many cases.
  15. yeah, been loving the weather the last few days, was too hot before that, still quite warm, but not annoyingly so.
  16. It's pretty catchy, lol @ the video effects.
  17. that recent hudmo remix was better tbh
  18. a banana split, w/ peanuts, vanilla ice cream, and crushed up flake
  19. Fillet Steak, Chips, Pepper Sauce, Green Beans, Mercurey
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