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About koolkeyZ865

  • Birthday 05/31/2000

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    United States

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  1. I used to use that site quite often. I think it's a great music discovery platform first and foremost, in fact, one of the best that I've ever used. I honestly listened to a much wider variety of music (and more music in general) much more frequently than I normally do, just because of how engaging the site itself was. I felt encouraged to post actively and it felt satisfying to increase the number of ratings and reviews. Plus, I made a very conscious effort to truly soak in every single detail of whatever I was listening to, even if I didn't like it on first listen. I feel like there are some pretty major downsides, I quit using music cataloguing all together because of them. I eventually made listening to music habitual, rather than a form of entertainment. I was putting too much thought into whether or not I liked something. When you're constantly thinking in the back of your mind very specific reasons for why you enjoy or dislike something the first time you ever hear it, that completely destroys the pure emotion of the experience. Its culture is pretty elitist, and it's easy to get sucked into it. I've gotten to the point where verbose and overly lettered "music reviews" make me sick to my stomach. You can't be in this mindset to truly enjoy music. At least from my perspective as a person who makes tracks, I can't relate to the perspective that critics or general over-analyzers have. Why are you describing this track like food? I make what makes me feel good and immerses me in the creative process, where 5 hours can feel like 5 minutes. I can't even imagine having these incredibly complex novel-esque concepts that all of the "greatest albums of all time" apparently have and were envisioned by God your favorite 4chan approved artist to play out in the most perfectly sequential, divinely guided manner which can be perfectly expressed through flowery words and pretention. The execution of a concept, for me anyway, is always just what truly engages you the most. Interweaving themes that link them together come about as almost unintentional and mostly subconscious. That's where the real beauty is, in my opinion.
  2. I like electronic music when the rhythm goes crazy and then the melody do the crazy changes then the whole track just explodes
  3. acid municipality | koolkeyZ865 (bandcamp.com)
  4. Man's 52 years old and spent the majority of his adult life breaking new musical ground. You have to consider that when bitching about a lack of "innovation". There are plenty of new artists who release incredible innovative music every single day, and it's a shame that whatever they make won't make the splash that their music deserves just because they haven't been in the scene for 30+ years. What's important is that his music doesn't skimp on the emotional depth that's always been present. At least to me, that's always been AFX's strength. If you want mind bending sound design, listen to AE.
  5. Very odd. I don't think it's region specific. I can access WATMM from my phone, but unable to reach it from the desktop. Tried clearing cache, different browser, etc. But nothing seems to work.
  6. i love this release. but give me more of this afx. think he's gotten especially adept and comfortable with his melodic side, but i think i need some more stomping beats
  7. These in particular are very interesting. I'm already starting to see ads using deep fake voices of influential and important people in politics in order to market sketchy "bonus stimulus checks" as a ploy to con older folks. When this technology becomes more mature, pics like the ones above could do serious damage to practically anyone with a platform of any kind. Hell, all of them except the Bernie Sanders and Pence ones look pretty convincing when quickly glancing at them.
  8. There's a lot to be said about the last two minutes of that track. AFX at some of his very best
  9. Here's hoping for a full length at the end of the year to coincide with the holidays... Or maybe next year to coincide with the 10th anniversary of Syro. Time flies
  10. It's out on the bleep store. in a room is really something else. I enjoyed the rest of the EP, but that track!! Holy shit!! The blackbox remix reminds me of classic afx
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