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Everything posted by TubularCorporation

  1. I was really hoping this was going to be a terrible narrative adaptation of the game itself, kind of like a modern, TV version of the old Missile Command album (that I swear used to be on Youtube or Archive but doesn't seem to be now, and I have no idea where the cassette of it I found in college is these days).
  2. Thoose jagged edges on the vertical lines are from my phone's rolling shutter, not the TV itself. Best I could manage.
  3. Found a 20" Trinitron (Mid 90s KV20s20) on my way home this afternoon, two blocks from my place. All I've done so far is clean it up (inside and out), degauss the screen and adjust the focus on the flyback transformer, but it already looks SWEET. The convergense is a little weird on the upper left but not bad, I'll learn to adjust that eventually, I've been putting it off for a while but this one is good enough to be worth the trouble. Looks like these fuckers are going for ridiculous prices on eBay these days, too, because everyone has lost their collective mind.
  4. "Never attribute to malice competence that which is adequately explained by stupidity incompetence."
  5. This is how I act all the time.
  6. They just officially released footage of the Alaska incident! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWQzBX6BGd4
  7. I don't have time to really listen carefully or give detailed feedback before company shows up, but I jsut listened to a bit of each track and I am definitely liking what I hear. I'm not a big fan of genres or social media, so personal;ly I'd say avoid both as much as you can! Not good advice if you want people to actually listen to your stuff, but good advice if you want to make stuff that's interesting, at least in my opinion.
  8. Just learned about RackAFX well I was lurking the ReNoise forums. New to me! http://www.willpirkle.com/
  9. This article boils down to "have rich parents." Pretty sure it takes more than that, although it probably wouldn't hurt.
  10. When I was like 15 or 16 and really in to Zappa, a year or two after he died, his estate sold off most of the gear in his rehearsal space. Most of it was expensive, and anything that wasn't was things like monitor wedges and flight cases that I didn't need and couldnt' afford to ship even if I did. But there were two FZ-1 keyboards from the 1988 tour for $100 each, fully functioning, and I had my eye on them. But this was the 90s, gear info wasn't so easy to find, and I had no idea that Casio made any professional instruments. I thought they were some obscure Casiotone model. $100 seemed like way too much for a Casio (that's more like $300 in 2023), even if it HAD belonged to Frank Zappa, and I definitely couldn't convince my parents to lend me the money, I already had two or three SK-1s that were all free (the band had maybe 5 total between us, they were so common you could literally find them on the sidewalk back then) and you could get a Juno 60 or Korg Poly61 for about $100 more (me and the bass player in my band did exactly that a couple years later) so it never happened. It wasn't until years later I learned what I had actually missed.
  11. ^That. Decoded FLAC and WAV are bit for bit identical, you're hearing a file extension or buggy software.
  12. Snagged a fully working Yamaha PSS-570 from the trash today, I forgot how good these things sound. This might be the one that I finally use the old Highly Liquid UMRK that I've been sitting on for like 8 years in, it deserves MIDI. I've been waiting for one to turn up ever since I was roommates with a friend who has one back in 2011 (he still has it and uses it), but I'd pretty much given up, especially when eBay prices started breaking $200 a few years back. EDIT: I forgot this is the one that can make some of the most iconic banda and norteño tuba sounds, too.
  13. I don't really like self-promoting even on the designated boards, much less in a thread like this, but I feel like this track from the secret project I finished a couple weeks ago belongs here even if it isn't fully mastered yet. Yes, this is one long ow-my-balls joke from a loose concept album about 1990s suburban strip mall martial arts culture made on an MPC2000xl + MFC42, thanks for asking!
  14. I was alive in 1994 and I mostly listened to Bo Diddley and Frank Zappa. What was even popular in 1994? Chumbawamba or something? Did this really come out in 94? I thought it was late 80s although I didn't hear it until the late 90s. I haven't had the CD out in probably 20 years but I loved it as a teenager.
  15. More like "one of the most extreme forms of kruispolka."
  16. Anyway, the only real issue I have with gabber is that it isn't New Beat.
  17. I could have sworn they sampled this version but I checked and I was wrong. This is the best version, though.
  18. I've got a cart of River City Ransom out for early delivery today.
  19. That's a good price! The UI makes me remember that I missed out on getting a Korg DW8000 back when the prices were still really low.
  20. That's a sincere question, if someone actually found a practical application for blockchain that's great news.
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