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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. these fuckers ignored their training which stresses that the immediate priority is to stop the killing nad not wait for tactical response but a single officer even.. should confront the shooter.
  2. they're scared they won't be able to buy them so gotta go uy them before they are made illegal. happens after every shooting. gun sales exploded during obama's presidency because people were afraid guns would be banned or whatever... because "obama is coming for your guns!"
  3. saw him a couple times when i lived in san diego. was interesting sets but mostly reproductions of songs from albums. still good. the time i saw him in tijuana as part of MUTEK mexico was best i think. i miss mexico. i'm not up to date on what's he's been doing. this is a good reminder to go have a gander at his bandcamp page and see what i've missed.
  4. yes exactly. the school was asking for it. if it didn't want to be shot up with bullets it would've locked its door. they should've killed him before he had any dialog. listening to that man speak gave me murderous impulses.
  5. one parent was briefly arrested and let go. he was yelling at the cops to go inside and they were waiting and started doing crowd control on all the parents who were there. as soon as they let the guy go he ran, jumped the fence and went into the school and got his kids.
  6. whoa. was shooting a film in dominican republic and died there.
  7. worthless cops. cops initially said the shooter was wearing armor but turns out they waited outside for backup and while the shooter was in there shooting people. apparently were 3 cops on the scene soon after the shooter arrived. they got a call about him before he got to the school so go there pretty quickly.. but then waited and made up a story for the press.
  8. so is the UK and other places but we have all the guns. the violence visited upon the world through colonialism by the England and various European countries is a horror show of ethnic cleansing and genocides and outright slaughter. the USA picked up the torch and ran w/it with a shiny new version of capitalism but with the same old cruelty... and now it'll be china's turn. who knows wtf their version will look like. it's already pretty ugly and racist in places. for my adult life there's been articles every year asking the question why is america so different. "what's wrong with us" whenever something happens. now that something happens so often there's no time for the articles to come out. it's fear, it's guns it's unresolved racial injustice.. a failure to accept the past honestly as a culture and political system. and of course the myths of the shining city on a hill and blah blah blah that people love to believe in like john wayne and the bible... and a million other things. as a species we're going over a cliff and likely will be shooting at each other on the way down. but in a nutshell america is failing in every way and the velocity is picking up maybe? any kind of progress is eroding and economically well.. it's pretty simple to see what's what. the town where this shooting happened is small. like 20,000 people i think. none of those people will ever be the same again. i don't know. it's fucked up. kids getting shot in school by the dozen is not something anyone should accept as normal...
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