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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. well, he can't read so not sure what kind of classes he'll be able to take. he is immune to ethics. none of that means anything to him. but sitting through some classes would be hilarious if other people are taking same classes and no one wants to sit next to him because of diapers are full. i'll be surprised if he gets anything more than probation/house arrest or something.. and a fine if there's a fine for this crime.. idk. judge could always throw the book at him some how. i suspect some people will be gun shy about this and back off as not to enflame his base of chuds.
  2. i wish they'd let ukraine off the leash to fully use their weapon systems for military targets inside russia. make it real for russian armed forces inside russia. this one sided thing is bullshit. but what do i know... https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/30/biden-ukraine-weapons-strike-russia-00160731 The Biden administration has quietly given Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia — solely near the area of Kharkiv — using U.S.-provided weapons, three U.S. officials and two other people familiar with the move said Thursday, a major reversal that will help Ukraine to better defend its second-largest city. “The president recently directed his team to ensure that Ukraine is able to use U.S. weapons for counter-fire purposes in Kharkiv so Ukraine can hit back at Russian forces hitting them or preparing to hit them,” one of the U.S. officials said, adding that the policy of not allowing long-range strikes inside Russia “has not changed.”
  3. my guess is house arrest and probation and they take his golden toilet and replace it w/a japanese style squatty potty.
  4. Seagal shit his pants when put in a choke hold. his movies now are even more hilarious. he's seated on a stool/chair for every scene because he's too fat and lazy to stand up. the reddit AMA called him out on all these things. it's archived there and is apparently the shortest AMA in reddit history.
  5. i wish i could walk by and yell loud as i can "I HOPE TRUMP FUCKING DIES!"
  6. if the USA was a first world country i wouldn't be spending time on the phone clarifying health insurance company bullshit.
  7. Grischa - deep.. some dope beats in it too.
  8. i thought france already said "go for it" as did Germany? https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/french-german-leaders-say-ukraine-allowed-strike-inside-russia-2024-05-28/
  9. thanks for all that. informative and concise. i just looked at that video again and noticed he pinned a comment with corrections so i guess a few people called him on some things.. but not everything obviously.
  10. disney factory like kid's shows? do tell. i know a bit but not much. i'm sure it's terrible in a different/same way. i was interested in k-pop factory as i knew nothing so wasn't making comparisons to anything. just curious about it. the kids signing contracts at 10 yrs old is pretty fucked up. super exploitive. also, the idea of using them to market any and every product since streaming revenue isn't what record sales used to be is pretty crazy. married to capitalism in a different way i think.. and that channel is largely about philosophy and pop culture and that sort of thing. i find a handful of his videos interesting. is delivery is more palatable or something. he did that drums machines deleuze video that went viral for a minute. haven't actually watched that one. i'm curious what he got wrong though since the first three minutes is mostly south korean history as relates to USA. i don't know korean history so can't complain. btw.. i get this a lot
  11. "25 year old boy working construction in new york" lol. so, they bring the grifters directly to you through the app. coooool
  12. ... he said, pulling her hair. It wasn't the kind of dirty talk she was used to but she couldn't help but like it. Later during her appearance on Democracy Now she would have to fight distraction thinking about this line. It was disruptive because she could feel a smile or smirk breaking into the corner of her mouth while being asked about Putin's agenda in the Donbas region. She hoped no one noticed.
  13. to be fair. this is not an "inside take". this has been a common narrative in media outlets of all kinds for years now. News Hour on PBS has talked about this regularly from view points of the left/right weekly on dedicated segments with different guests since trump emerged from his golden toilet and gone down the escalator. if you want a very sort of flat perspective from journalists i'd recommend the news hour on PBS. it's not perfect but i think it's the closest thing to unbiased journalism in that format.
  14. ?? were we talking about the bulwark? is bill kristol associated w/them? how many pages back was the bulwark mentioned? i haven't watched much of their stuff. the bit i watched long ago didn't inspire me to dig in. sorta mainstreamy topic of the day talking points type coverage like cable news. there's a handful of popular youtube channels that do that kind of thing and they often come across more or less the same w/minor differences... depending on where they fall left or right of center. but what are we talking about them for?
  15. kinda figured that would happen. Martial law, which is what's happening because of russia's actions, doesn't allow for elections under Ukraine laws... or that's what wikipedia says. of course putin is saying ukraine should hold the election. he would say that. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67440357
  16. hmmm. well, he's still the same guy who did what he did and said what he said it's just that he's known more recently for being a "true conservative" in the classic sense of that.. and he doesn't like trump and has spoken out about it often.. so, he seems more reasonable than the typical foaming at the mouth wacko in the republican party.. but he's still the same guy he always was. it doesn't mean he isn't capable of being right about something or being part of something presenting real information. but he's not so special. he seems to support the norms of doing business in congress like things used to be but i'm sure it's possible to dig up all kinds of shit where he's hardlining the issues etc he's been around a good while and has said and written a lot in his life. but sure, he's embarrassed by the current state of the republican party.. unless it starts to support his ideas.. then he'd be fine w/it.
  17. a nice walk through the "Big Data" hype era into Ai. nuts and bolts of the bullshit. and typical tech internet youtube takedown style video about the R1 and the guy behind it being full of shit. not surprising. edit: the microsoft copilot hate videos are are filling youtube algorithms
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