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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. pretty wild. so many scams w/spotify. "a single Swedish composer, Johan Röhr, has amassed 15 billion streams on Spotify under at least 656 different artist pseudonyms."
  2. Prepaid for a medical procedure. Procedure got cancelled. Takes up to 30 business days for refund. also spent some hours diving into kurzweil k2500r w/kdfx and holy shit endless sound design and now time is a thing so will have to tear myself in half because computer also endless sound design possible. Need Time Machine please.
  3. Supreme Court ruled he couldn’t be removed from ballots or something. I forget the details.
  4. time stamped to around 4 minutes. he talks about his social media channels for the first bit..asking for advice on where to post stuff. whatever. then he goes into details about how average humans consume plastic in an amount equivalent to what it takes to make a credit card about every 2 weeks. based on math from a story that appeared in the guardian then goes into lot's of detail about one of the greenland ice sheets and the "tongue" that is massive and will collapse soon. how it's melting from above/below and how thick it used to be and how thick it is now. this guy has no time for bullshit economics
  5. court didn't even give a reason for reduced bond amount. trump must be in the platinum tier level of the justice system
  6. he's done a bunch of interesting releases. has a CD from ages ago we used to play at work. he gigs a lot in town. hardware jams. solid stuff.
  7. putting on pants this morning.. as i lifted my right leg to put in the leg the low right back spasmed and i fell over onto the bed in pain. ice heat all day long baby!!!
  8. pretty interesting/informative video. seems to have a handle on 'cutting edge' things happening. hmm. edit: so, still watching. long video. and fuuuuuck. this is gonna be pretty crazy.
  9. apparently she quit because they weren't white enough for her. also, in an unrelated statement.. if there's a god and one day i meet him i might punch him in the face.
  10. yeah.. i updated the post to add some commentary. people took him to task in the comments about some statements he made about Poland and how polish people hate ukraine. I have to wonder if this line of thinking, if a voice like his, is prominent somewhere in the halls of congress or the pentagon or whatever.. the news and narratives we get are so vastly different from what he says.
  11. and the bunch of french legion forces killed by russia. 2nd video i posted gets into what's up w/that. fckn geo politics and colonialism and hegemony etcfuck. what a shit show of a mess.
  12. "gonna find some muthafuckn bitches man.. i'm horny as a muthafucka. i don't give fuck holmes. we need to find us some hoes up in this muthafucka for real. it's on muthafuckah. fuck you holmes. i don't give a fuck holmes"
  13. this guy has interesting insights. first video is from 5 or so months ago. this guy has worked/works in various government positions related to defense, intelligence etc etc.. 2nd video is from 7 days ago he comes across weirdly i think. people in the comments of the 2nd video taking him to task about some statements he's made about poland and ukraine etc.. so, no idea where to stand w/this stuff. at times sounds reasonable and at times who knows.. if his take on things is accurate in regards to the "why" of it all it makes other things he says even weirder to me. people calling him a "pro putin apologist" etc. which maybe is accurate i don't know. [throws up hands] edit: yeah.. fuck this guy.. stuck him in the spoiler to not remove the references to other comments.
  14. they should go though. mexico city amazing place for all the things. i remember Mutek Mexico went to Tijuana and it was awesome. also, Pansonic played TJ and didn't play san diego which was awesome to do i think. back then san diego had a scene but TJ was way cooler outside of the tourist area. the arts/culture available there is deep and amazing. amazing people. lot's of young people doing stuff. but i haven't been in 20 years. i know it's different now. i went to some great shows there and usually had a great time. oops. meant to quote the north america quote but whatever.. you get it. sean said on mastodon that they were starting to "have discussions". he asked WTF was america like right now and people chimed in. someone asked "are you making plans for USA tour?" and he said (paraphrasing) "i wouldn't call them plans but discussions are starting to happen". that was some months back.
  15. they sent out stock offers/notifications to every user with an opportunity to buy at the offer price. i wonder which random redditors went all in and made some cash from the frenzy? probably many.
  16. there's been a few small pieces popping up about the israel lobby doing stuff and digging in deeper with congress.. and they're already pretty deep with some. not to mention on college campuses and stuff. curious to see how their influence helps shape the coming elections. what messaging will evolve from all this. it's all pretty fucked up. been meaning to get around to this book for a while. might be interesting read in these enshitified times. https://www.powells.com/book/ornament-of-the-world-9780316168717 Ornament of the World: How Muslims, Jews, and Christians Created a Culture of Tolerance in Medieval Spain This enthralling history, widely hailed as a revelation of a "lost" golden age, brings to vivid life the rich and thriving culture of "al-Andalus, " the kingdom in medieval Spain where, for more than seven centuries, Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived together in an atmosphere of tolerance, and literature, science, and the arts flourished.
  17. and then there's.. https://newrepublic.com/post/180017/alina-habba-donald-trump-debt-foreign-countries Alina Habba Accidentally Admits Donald Trump Could Be Totally Bought Donald Trump is in massive debt, and his attorney admitted he’s open to other strategies to pay it off. also, seems the properties donald has are over valued and he has a couple hundred million dollars in loans on them. fucking house of cards. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-properties-civil-fraud-fine-loan-1881750
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