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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. satire btw. someone photoshopped a tear drop on amy schumer
  2. And this guy. Borderline but worth it. Good rant. Nice closer.
  3. the guest sounds pretty frustrated and pissed off.. goes hard on calling out the climate scientists on the "circuit" etc.
  4. yeah.. i hear ya. i took my stuff off all streaming services some months back and haven't thought about it too much since then. the feedback cluster fuck scenario he paints w/the corporate interactions is messy.. i mean.. his explanation is clear but what a mess and it's a shitty system obviously. a scam for anyone not getting lot's of plays and label attention etc. it's just funding a tech company until people figure out it's bullshit.. i couldn't square it to keep my stuff on there for lot's of reasons.. most of which the listeners were few and it wasn't worth the expense. made more sense to focus on bandcamp since that's where my little audience is. if i was making a bunch of money every month or quarter then i'm sure i'd go along to get along but it's not an issue. no FOMO over it.
  5. context i guess. afx djing as a dj is actually doing something and likely the event is promoted as a dj gig. $150 to watch kanye walk around mouthing stuff while his cd plays and there's dry ice.. is silly. wouldn't say "upset" is the right word.. just wtf lol "spectacle" and sheesh.. wish i could phone it in that hard and people would give a shit enough to show up in the thousands w/$150 each. but also those guys talking about it like they invented something new.. some new level of art performance.. is just.. cringe.. and feels like a hollow experience.. but i guess for fans who want to sniff his dingleberries it's amazing. so.. whatever. spectacle gonna spectacle.
  6. [Jean Baudrillard noises] this is just a google meet up with kanye music and dry ice. just shows how he can do whatever and the sycophants will show up and give him money for it. this is marketing. clever cult like indoctrination. he does know his audience that's certain.
  7. https://i.imgur.com/NQNcKgB.mp4 when i was a kid i did this on the street. so, i'm ok laughing at it. this kid is probably fine and got up and went back to the slopes.
  8. tangent but not. riding a bicycle (exercise in general but especially cycling) helps w/all the things.
  9. saw this in the theater when it came out. no idea how we picked this movie. was a family movie outing. later on in life randomly remembered one of the actors in this ended up being lisa simpson's voice. i think she's the one who gets her period in the movie and it's a whole scene.
  10. i thought i might have read it here in this thread but not 100% sure because i haven't slept well at all in my entire life and i've had 5 different beverages with breakfast. each one a unique thing. sooon i'll be ready to leave the house and go ride my bike for as long as possible. i suspect during some part of the ride i'll remember that i did indeed read that information in this thread and then i'll feel stupid and come back to this post and edit it. edit: or i'll realize that post was not in this thread and i'll feel even dumber.. but someone did report the bug and robert emailed the person to let them know it's a bug and he's fixing it. edit edit: note to self. stay off the internet for the rest of the day.
  11. it's a bug. they're fixing it. read somewhere on line that robert himself answered the support ticket.
  12. it's "Coors Light" though and wtf the hookha. does anyone hold a burger like that? lols.. so good. so bad.
  13. posted this in the youtube thread.. forgot about this one..
  14. tinfoil hat theory perhaps.. but saw this kicking up in instagram... regarding tiktok.. the israel lobby put in writing in a meeting with congress that "tiktok is propelling negative narratives about israel and there is a generational problem we need to deal with".. in a nutshell people saying recent meetings by the lobby throw shade on tiktok and blame the viral nature of videos about the israel/hamas war as causing them to lose younger generations' support. tinfoil hat stuff is saying these meetings are what's behind the proposed tiktok ban voted on by congress just days ago.
  15. For some reason this is how I read that
  16. or a duck. why tf is he saying quack quack. this guy ate some thc donuts before his shift.
  17. wait until boards of canada hear this..
  18. thanks. weekend bugs was a jam session in five12 numerology and is mostly about the synths for me.. the drums are kind of automated in a way. i don't know what it's inspired by.. it's just what happens when i make music.. but obviously i love Ae. thanks taking the opportunity to shamelessly bump. still free w/all the other releases on my bandcamp. might have something new later this year.. not sure though. could be a while.
  19. some dope tunes on this.. the track Black Snow has sick last verse and drop just before it.. funky af.
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