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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. had surgery on 4/30. pre surgery chat w/the anesthesiologist was good. "how do you feel about anesthesia?" well, i feel good about it. anesthesia is my friend. after surgery got an email w/all the drugs he gave me during surgery. amidst the propophol, dilaudid, ephedrine adn others is KETAMINE! i was pleased and surprised and wondered why my brain felt amazing after surgery. so much so i had 2 phone calls w/parents to check in and felt super happy about everything. even though i was totally not on the planet during surgery i suspect i was enjoying the chemicals and think i'm going to look into that ketamine therapy here locally at some point
  2. i'd vote for france every year if i could just because Eva Green exists.
  3. The quotes are nuts and I’m trying to imagine the context for someone saying shit like that and I’m having a hard time. I’ve heard various chats and interviews and he always comes across as an intelligent and thoughtful person so it all seems from left field. I know there’s actual art books and photography books that have nude children in non sexualized presentations but the stuff he found in a sex shop in Hamburg or whatever does not sound like it’s that kind of thing! having a marquis de Sade moment of extremes and expressing something like that as a kind of artistic purity is a bit much. Where was that coming from? And how did it remain hidden or become “old news”? It’s maybe the least punk rock thing someone could do. I don’t get it. It’s just bizarre.
  4. that's a sticky wicket.
  5. sounds like a different set in places. awesome. fingers crossed on the soundboards being released sometime this year .
  6. also, tesla lied for a long time about range and battery life so it's all bullshit. they said the car had more battery left/range left and drivers waited to charge and the car would die somewhere unexpectedly because battery empty of the sauce. there's a lawsuit https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-range-exaggeration-lawsuit-breakdown/ and a tesla team to suppress complaints https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/tesla-batteries-range/
  7. why not both? i think last time sean said Rob was mastering the live sets that were released. so, sam can keep working on the live set.. seems like there's plenty of time regardless of who does what.
  8. "Hey, Ai. Should i wear these boots today?" Ai: "only if you want to look like an cowboy at the gym" "that's a little harsh" Ai: "not as harsh as your life is going to be when you replace so many human interactions with a fucking Ai voice box stuck in your ears"
  9. is E wearing a bullet proof vest at the skate park? btw the 'technical tricks' instagram account is sick.
  10. awaits the 3D printed open source car. "jail break your car seminar" me [buys e-cargo bike]
  11. fucking heart attack. i knew an engineer in san diego.. young guy.. 40s. young kid, recently married.. dropped dead same way. life style of recording engineer is not kind a lot of the time. https://www.spin.com/2024/05/steve-albini-legendary-producer-and-musician-dies-at-61/
  12. haven't listenede yet but worth mentioning the american enterprise institute is a well known think tank not free of agendas. https://www.aei.org but so is everything i guess.. but just mentioning.. not a statement about the podcast though bill crystal.. well.. sort of sane republican if there's such a thing. more or less classic conservative. certainly more reasonable than current tranche of lunatics. edit: listening now. these nerds spend all day doing this stuff. digesting data and finding reliable data etc. i think i'd lose it.
  13. kinda not relevant w/human population i think. birth rates in decline all over except a few places. the poison we're putting in the earth is in our bodies and killing all the baby making parts. edit: unless thinking it'll just make things worse for sperm counts because the hot new trend of the boil the balls challenge?
  14. was thinking maybe it's a mixer display/controller interface for the recorder.
  15. christ. cat in a blender. i can't even. wtf. humans are awful.
  16. yeah.. makes a lot more sense.
  17. i only guessed based on lights and knobs. no idea really. i've never seen any of them in person. so, could be one of these also https://www.sounddevices.com/product/mixpre-6-ii/
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