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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. AGNB posted the sturgis rally on youtube. fuckn amazing as always
  2. oh god dammit i missed a page of the thread. i'll sentence myself appropriately.
  3. i think the art is gonna look nice printed on a record sleeve. i suspect it will fit the sound of the release. regardless, it's not keeping me up nights.
  4. ignatius

    Rob pls

    it's not about hte thumner of pageges but the number of typos pir posht.
  5. yes, there are people this stupid who jump to conclusions and want to make everything a conspiracy. this guy could easily go down there and talk to the people who live there but he's a straight up coward and obviously would rather just make shit up to feed the trolls. this place is a homeless camp. there are many like it in portland. this one is distanced due to covid. also, it's pronounced WILL-LAMM-ETTE River.
  6. it's self defeating.. it just requires patience. america is classic case of "the call is coming from inside the house!" and will wipe itself off the continent and become a series of fledgling territories just like in Neal Stephenson's "Snow Crash". in the meantime.. just keep your distance.
  7. waiting to hear back from some one who wants to buy a module i'm selling so i can get it boxed up and shipped. oh the agony. also, been feeling up and down lately and trying to figure it out. again read over medication side effects to see if it fits w/that or is something new.. of course everything is a side effect. the list is huge because they have to add possible side effects if even 1 person experiences it during the trials. currently: lol. is it covid or side effects? the dance continues. lol. really though i'm ok. just have to laugh at this shit some times and vent. as you were. SIGN me up for some new Ae to bring on the opiate like triggers in my brain yo.
  8. and soldiers voted by mail. ? https://truthout.org/articles/trump-used-stand-in-for-kenosha-business-owner-who-refused-photo-op-with-him/
  9. down for that. so long as it's not burning man
  10. oops. guess that crossed the line. sorry!
  11. i like the artwork. seems fine. i'm sure it'll look good on the vinyl sleeve
  12. great news! https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/covid-19-can-wreck-your-heart-even-if-you-havent-had-any-symptoms/
  13. that's a fuckn bike truck! dope. a friend used to ride one all over seattle to make deliveries for a bakery. i think his had a road bike rear end though so big wheel in the back.
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