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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. in portland the police have been busted directly coordinating with the proud boys.. multiple times. they've also let proud boy types who have warrants out for them that they won't arrest them. there's a guy who's nickname is 'tiny' and he's violated his parole and isn't supposed to show up to protests for 2 years as a condition of his parole but he's been at recent protests. a judge found out and issued a warrant. police didn't arrest him. reporters and attorneys obtained phone call records and text messages between police and proud boy groups. they were outright coordinating. edit: also this https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/25/opinions/kenosha-shooting-jacob-blake-prison-injustice-police-lockwood/index.html
  2. i haven't read the paper.. will check out the pdf link you posted. thanks! campkiller commentary is generally fun stuff and sometimes informative as a fun primer on 'science topics'. i didn't expect to be so captivated by the game play footage but it makes good background while digesting the ideas.
  3. wow. wtf. figured this would happen sooner or later and honestly it's not surprising that it's a 17 year old kid.
  4. Interesting take. Trump is making unforced errors because he believes the Fox News fantasy world is real https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/08/25/trump-is-making-unforced-errors-because-he-believes-fox-news-fantasy-world-is-real/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. they reversed the decision a week or so ago. maybe they just tossed out a month's worth of data or something?
  6. ^^ just heard about that. sucks. seems like a good dude. fun band. edit. fucken page break. RIP Riley Gale here's a kim jung in a coma story to top things off. https://en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20200820010151315
  7. yeah. i know. was born there/lived there for 27 years.
  8. if trump pulls some shit this election.. enough to get more everyday type people angry enough to go into the streets that could happen. would be nice to see a million people around the white house shaking fences. unless he preemptively surrounds the whitehouse with tanks or osmething. which could also happen.
  9. this'll be fine.. https://www.newsweek.com/nearly-9000-florida-children-diagnosed-coronavirus-two-weeks-schools-reopen-1527587
  10. heard about that. i'm familiar w/his father's music more than his. didn't know he was here in portland. i guessed drug related when i heard the news too but who knows. they've haven't said in the stories i've read. he'd been in portland w/his wife/kid since 2017 or so.
  11. it's almost accurate.. i think instead of "SHAME SHAME SHAME" they'll be saying "PISS PISS PISS"
  12. it just so happens....
  13. ssshhhhhhh . give us the precious... we mustssss haves it. srsly though.. hoping they just do a preorder for the vinyl or whatever and release the files on release day. as for touring.. i don't see anyone touring extensively for another year. will need what.. 9 months after a vaccine for it to make sense.
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