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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. that guy really just wanted to go to the gym but couldn't because she took his freedom.
  2. it's just annoying as fuck. generally my tax refund goes to paying my property taxes which is usually an even trade. this time not so much. All things considering i'm doing fine though. it's just more proof to no one in particular that trump and his plans are a scam.
  3. my tax refund is less than half of what it was last year. my earnings are more or less the same. trump's tax plan fucked me.
  4. that's fucking crazy. jesus wtf. michigan milita is some kookoos.
  5. i have to drink the oral contrast die. i think it's barium. it's more or less tasteless but has a weird consistency. then i think i get the IV of whatever they push. i think that has some iodine type shit in it that gives the sensation of having to pee and that weird taste. science yo!
  6. 1pm tomorrow.. will be a nice thing to listen to post CT scan. ?
  7. he's got such a smug punchable face. that meme series is.. priceless.. from a few years ago.
  8. i enjoyed the autopsy of jane doe good story great cast. Alien: Covenant can be watched as a horror film. i think it works that way and David is great even though as usual the scientists are idiots and landing on a planet and exploring w/o wearing some kind of hazmat suit is fucking stupid. Midsommar is interesting but i found it kind of hilarious for some reason. Jacob's Ladder is kind of horror. i saw Return of the Living Dead in the theater as a kid and loved it. found it to be quite fun.
  9. so many killer riffs.. like thousands of them.. just about every VH song had some mega riff genius in it. listening to them now on youtube and it's pretty amazing... all the riffs. damn.
  10. it's dumb though.. like most of what he does.. does he think Biden won't sign a stimulus bill if he's elected? there's no upside for him except for stupid people.. i guess he could argue if he wins the stimulus will happen immediately vs waiting until Jan 20th for biden to get in office or something. it's cruel to use this as some kind leverage and hold hostage the relief people and businesses need. it's plainly obvious to anyone w/a brain that he doesn't care about helping people.
  11. lol. i'm sure he's got some half brained scheme of a narrative to roll out.
  12. cancer. not surprising. dude smoked forever. RIP shredder.
  13. trump cancelled further stimulus talks until after the election .what an asshole. oh no not the stock market.. maybe he'll reconsider now... ? https://thehill.com/policy/finance/519849-stocks-plunge-after-trump-cancels-bipartisan-stimulus-talks
  14. just the voice i heard in my head. idk. i'm not quite sure what Farnsworth is supposed to indicate.
  15. https://www.salon.com/2020/10/05/two-housekeepers-test-positive-for-covid-19-as-white-house-outbreak-widens-report_partner/
  16. i'm sure he's forcing his way out and if the doctors had their way they'd keep him in a few more days. i think he's going to infect more people in the white house or he'll do some dumb shit like have some kind of meeting or rally before he's cleared. dude is legit a fucking idiot. and so are his followers.
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