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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. "is it COVID or cancer drug side effects?" - game is set to expert level today. so fucking annoying. on the plus side i have my yearly CT scan this thursday so i'll be able to interact with 3 people that day.. it'll be nice to have someone to say yes, no, hello, how are you, to. usually it's just the people at the grocery store or pharmacy i get to say that to so this will be a big social event. also, i get to hear the woman who does the test tell me to lower my pants to my knees while i'm laying on the machine and it'll be the closest thing to foreplay i've experienced since my last CT scan a year ago.
  2. we likely won't know the results of the election until mid november because of counting all the mail in ballots. during this time.. from election night to whenever they count all teh votes.. the trump campaign will try to invalidate all the mail in ballots and claim victory in the election. so far the polls are showing that most trump supporters will vote in person and most biden supporters will vote by mail.. so they're expecting trump to look good on election night but then biden to look better as each day passes.. they're already calling it a "Blue Shift"
  3. i might have dropped a link somewhere or other stuff on buried in time like the cascade data stuff.. i feel gross when self promoting. anyway.. no max really.. some max for live devices sometimes. anything i do in max is early in the learning curve. not really close to sharing. lot's of modular stuff though. some renoise. some live. some logic. some five12 numerology. thanks for the mention ?
  4. scanning through the releases on the bandcamp and it's all jaw dropping insanely good. like wtf. such amazing stuff. the changes are brilliant. the drummer is just unreal. wtf time signatures are happening here? all of them i guess. i think i'm going to have to dive in to this music and spend some time.thank you for dropping the link here.
  5. engage at your peril. i have a long running political meme etc type chat with someone who's conservative and drinks some of the kool-aid about antifa etc.. so we get into it some times and there's somedays when i just can't and don't engage. if you're going to get into it you should be up for it.. but i wouldn't make a mission. i try to be open minded and just ask questions and then send some long form type explanations once in a while or the right youtube video. just gotta remember that some people who are really over the bend are just operating with a totally warped perspective in fantasy land.
  6. Hard at work in the hospital signing blank papers with a sharpie. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. if all these people are testing positive it's hard to think that it's planned.. it would be the only part we could refer to as a plandemic ? there's like 20 people in the republican inner circle who've tested positive right? just in the last week. some of them were aware of their symptoms, like trump himself, and kept doing events. edit: it's also screwing with the plans to push comy barret through to the supreme court. unless their plan is to make it all an on line show with senators voting from home.
  8. they've had a hard time with everything.. that "you go high we go low" animated youtube pretty much says it all. i won't be surprised if they roll out the negative ads in a week or so. they have money to spend. the 2nd debate is likely a no go so i'm guessing they'll find some ways to attack and let trump speak for himself.. perhaps using footage of the first debate if they can.
  9. biden is still using the same rhetoric as is negative ads though.. when he does his on line rallies and stuff.. but yeah.. it's a bit over sensitive i think to pull negative ads.. but i'm guessing they're just playing better safe than sorry and letting other people be more out front with bashing trump while he's in hospital. that's typically how USA campaigns work.. the candidate will often stay "clean" and some other affiliate or supporter will do the dirty work.
  10. who has to wait? i already feel this way. other than some gems here and there i discover on bandcamp.. some thanks to this here forum.. and some thanks to friends and social media... i more or less am still exploring the massive amount of GB of albums i already own. Edit: a while ago my nephew referred to some trap/mumble sing rap song as being “wavy as fuck” and I didn’t even bother asking what that meant. Just said to myself “oh it’s already happening”. My nephew is in his 20s.
  11. have i pasted this here already>? https://cascadedata.bandcamp.com/album/cmd-altz
  12. right, it's fucking crazy. super spreader event. i wonder how many people they each infected in the following days. contact tracing is happening i think so we'll know sooner or later. stay the fuck away from republicans.
  13. trump had a big fundraiser just a couple days ago at one of his golf course/country clubs. big dollar fundraiser so rich donors. i'm having a hard time thinking there wasn't lot's of handshakes
  14. not really sounding like Ae but somewhere in the dope experimental sound design abrasive weirdness tent. https://tomhall.bandcamp.com/album/bestowed-order-on-chaos
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