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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. i listen to it a lot. such a winner for me. i've had a few all squarepusher listening days in recent weeks. i recommend it.
  2. yeah i'm sure it is.. that's why i've never dug deeper. i think i saw the cofe talk speak english video in 2001 or something.
  3. duh https://news.yahoo.com/amphtml/atifa-website-one-america-chanel-rion-russia-004727528.html?__twitter_impression=true Records for “antifa.com” in the domain name database Whoisology.com show the site was registered in the Russian Federation from 2013 through last July. Starting last November, the site’s registration was moved to Panama, The website has always been anonymously registered and its owners could not be reached for comment.
  4. he should maybe meet this guy.. seems like they'd hit it off. so much in common. this one is kinda my fav.. the classic cofe time https://youtu.be/oWuyrlXI7nA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWuyrlXI7nA&t=330s
  5. seems like a bunch of people who wouldn't otherwise vote are going to write in kanye's name.
  6. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/08/12/florida-sheriff-forbids-deputies-wearing-face-masks-amid-covid-19/3352799001/
  7. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/jared-kushner-kanye-west-2020-election-donald-trump-running-for-president-a9667361.html
  8. i think that trend will continue. the people all up in the ass of Qanon and conspiracies will just dive deeper, hold on tighter if trump isn't re-elected. it will validate some of their crazy ideas in some way.
  9. at least she Kammala made bret kavanaugh cry. that has to count for something.
  10. Pretty much. https://v.redd.it/2s5qx3vrahg51 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. so you're saying ti starts with a geriatric wrestling match? ok.. i'm in.
  12. in debates? he'll have to be on stage with Mother since he's not allowed to be alone with other women.
  13. this will be all our FWP if it ever manages to make it into our ear holes.
  14. they don't call it 'adventure cycling' for nothing. ? most routes here are w/cars as well but many are pretty chill. there's sometimes some shitty transitions between different roads. I've ridden on some highspeed roads for certain stretches but quite straight so not a bunch of curvy roads which can be sketch. the 'rails to trails' thing is pretty good thing to check out if there's one near you. there's one near here that i haven't checked out. i haven't messed w/any gravel routes but there's a lot of them around that are minus any cars. a friend of mine pretty much just mtn bikes now to avoid cars and enjoy the outdoors.
  15. americans are so tough w/their open throats and noses. imagine if you had to pick up your own dad while he's having a tantrum and carry him out of a store
  16. there's a few in cali. definitely in idaho and some oregon too. there's a super long one on east coast and more being built. the "rails to trails" thing is big all over.. here's the site.. you can find out what's near you https://www.traillink.com lot's of info here on routes if you want to just jump on the road. https://www.adventurecycling.org/members/
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