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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. An Australian, just freshly starting the day, so unconsumed and innocent
  2. cant do, wifi cable broken olololol
  3. I used to love it and played it thousands of times but haven't listened much to it in the last years But not bcs of post-African repetitions ?
  4. listened to all seven already yeah? dem ears are quick boyo ? tbh u just gotta look at the waveforms to instantly know imho Who listens to music anyway these days?
  5. Some of the noises I believed to be background ambience are actually part of the set
  6. I think these sets all sound more different to each other than the previous live sets
  7. Are all their Max patches inside a bigger Max patch that can somehow morph between them? ?? olo
  8. some of the best AE can't wait for albums
  9. You can stream it in its entirety on the bleepstore, for now
  10. 12 minutes lads and 50 seconds yes it's just clever marketing
  11. https://autechre.bleepstores.com/release/123162-autechre-autechre-nts-sessions-white-t-shirt T shirts are in stock again oki doki
  12. maybe some people are so horny they just click buy
  13. it's out!!! 34 minutes early!!! https://autechre.bleepstores.com/
  14. I wonder if the American passion for shows and show masters is a relict of a time when preachers where the power centres of American communities. I really think that show business is something archetypical American
  15. Just asked Sean, he said they had to call off the whole thing and won't make any music anymore ever again, sorry guys
  16. if you click the hidden link download starts
  17. yeah, albums won't be released before this corona thing is somewhat sorted out, I think. but onesix should come soon
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