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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. drinking on a bottle for 2 years? thanks to my high testosterone levels I drink entire bottles within only a few minutes but not all people have this talent. good luck with the transportation of your things, moving sucks but staying mobile and agile is essential for survival
  2. The second year started at year 1 but it was not year 1 at least until year 1 ended and year 2 started. Also, when zero to nine are all individual numbers, how come they are called a decade if they are actually different years? If year 1 started at 0, maybe it's because the first decade started at 1? And the year basically steps aside for the decade and starts one time unit earlier, because a decade is bigger than a year, kind of like a cluster of years?
  3. yeah.. dropping here too but not that much. they've revised the forecast a few times. still gonna be cold and in true portland style we could have snowpocalypse 2020 where the place shuts down because of ice and snow but may end up being anticlimax. i'm hoping for a snow day or two so i can just stay home. a short week would be nice. climert change is a liar
  4. Why not just transition to bio fuel where possible (hemp, rape, etc.). I read that a lot of stuff that requires fossil oil could with some technical adjustments be done with other oils. This probably doesn't translate to all fields in which fossil oil is used but it would still be an idea to reduce fossil oil demand. Of course this is never going to happen because it is against the interest of powerful people.
  5. This story achieved to induce great amusement
  6. Have them replace the meat with falafel ?
  7. I like your passion! I think the US has decent pizza. Has little to do with pizza in Italy and probably shouldn't even be called that but it's tasty. Hella expensive though
  8. birds innit they are so weird. I think they don't have any morals and their actions often are unpredictable
  9. I agree. It's funny but also pretty disgusting. I just looked at my turd and it was not a pleasant sight. Maybe that's why we deal with it in a humorous ways I wonder what the appeal of shit eating is. Is it the humiliation aspect that people who are actually sexually interested in this that makes it interesting for said people? The imagined sense of power as in not being the one who eats the shit? Or is it the complete acceptance of another persons body products that symbolizes acceptance and unconditional devotion? My thought & observation: When my brain chemistry is altered the quality of my posts decrease as the quantity increases.
  10. dat bird, dis bird is so me. i also like to drink lots of liquids and then sit on some object that seems fitting for sitting
  11. Remember pre world wars? dem US states of americar didnt were strong only were strong after dem wolrd wars at the world wars before bismarck told wilhelm dem second: ey wilhelm dont colonialize africa like dem ovva guys do, france brittain, fuk em lezz not colonialize, lezz keep it all chill and make a complex alliance system so there will B no war in yurope. and willem be like: no man lezz do first genocide in the century and kill all or at least most of em Herero in 1904 and den go full on colony powa like brittainy and francy. and rememba? azza consequence there was WW! and as a conequenc of that WW2?? willem was bit like trump bit stupid. evil butt not that evil just mostly stupid. then 2 WW happent LOL
  12. On which other page did you post the same message?
  13. Now that you are saying it I remember at least 3 shawarma shops that closed but a couple of kebab shops opening in that same area. I guess it's mostly because of the price difference. Kebab is 4€ here and shawarma 5 - 6€ while at the same time being smaller. So all the drunk teenagers coming from the clubs will go to the kebab store, not the shawarma store. But luckily shawarma is getting a revival. Lots of Arabic fast food stores are opening these days. Not sure if it has anything to do with the refugee wave of 2015. To be honest I'd rather see some actual restaurants offering authentic cuisine and not the fast food version of these dishes No clue. I don't live too far from Czechia but for some reason have never been there
  14. Hmmm, Döner quality varies greatly. There are deep abysses when it comes to kebab, for sure. Huge differences. And you neeen't to forget that we are dealing with junk food here. The concept of junk food is being gross but at the same time satisfying. And any kebab, even the worst Bulgarian kebab made from plastic wrap and dead prisoners, is better than the shit they sell at McDonald's and the like PS: I've heard that in the Arabic world they sell spaghetti plus ketchup as "Sweet Pasta", lol
  15. That's what happens when you give immigrants too many rights. ? I just went to get a Döner and was devastated to see that the prices went up a whopping 7.5%. Outrageous! Anyway, here is my unappetising looking kebab:
  16. I quit my job to spend my days roaming online forums educating people about kebab
  17. Same here, eating much less meat these days. I don't think you can get a Döner in a German restaurant. I imagine they serve traditional German food: Schnitzel, Sauerbraten, Sauerkraut etc. Döner as we know it today was invented by turkish immigrants in Berlin. It's fast food and basically fulfills the role burger has in the US (kind of). It's not fancy at all and luckily relatively cheap. It's available everywhere and just a good way to get really full if one so desires
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