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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. I spent years living off kebab eating it at least 3 or 4 times a week. All my relevant body parts consist of it. I will eat kebab today, haven't had it in a while. Agree about Asian stuff. It tastes like it's made for people who only eat bratwurst and sauerkraut and when they visit an exotic country spend all day in the resort ordering Schnitzel complaining that the beer tastes like water. There are some really good places, too, but it's rare. There are so many Vietnamese people living here, why does none of them even get the idea to make authentic Vietnamese food? The best Phô and generally Asian stuff outside of Asia I ever had was in Lissabon. The most terrifying kebab I had was in Bulgaria. They put Aioli in it How is it even possible to think it's a good idea to put Aioli in a kebab?
  2. Kurds make better kebab. Their hands taste better
  3. ^melancholic and relaxing stuff, I like it. Have been getting into jazz more recently, so I'm thankful for these recommendations
  4. I like the idea of a fake war. The Iranians aren't idiots. They know that further escalation will damage them more than the US. At the same time with the attack on the US bases they showed that they can actually be dangerous to American lives if they really have to, without having actually killed Americans. I guess they want to delay the conflict hoping that a different president gets elected in 11 months. At the end of the day this whole thing only serves Trump's domestic political goals. Unfortunately it will actually help him. The public is forgetful and pliable. All that most people that aren't super interested in politics will remember in a couple of months is that there was something something conflict-related about Iran (some conflict in the Middle East? Pretty much normality by now, no?) and Trump can - depending on the scenario - play the vigorous statesman that prevented a war or mimic a strong leader in a conflict. Petty details like the boundary crossing of the assassination of a paramount leader of a sovereign nation won't matter much in public opinion anymore because until then there will be more fucked up stuff in the news that makes what happened a month earlier seem like it's far back in the past.
  5. Didn't you say you lived in the UK for a while? That's why
  6. Used to listen to a ton of Xenakis. Seems I will have to return to that
  7. I wanted to visit Iran this year. Seems to be a bad idea
  8. The attack was done via the relay station Ramstein (like all attacks in the Middle East and north Africa).
  9. @goDel I was right. Say it. Say: "You were right". *whips out dick and starts massaging glans"
  10. Yes, the Saudis are heavily involved in Wallstreet which controls the American politics. And Saudi-Arabia and Iran have been something like archenemies for a while.
  11. If Goddo exists, why does Goddo make bad things happen?
  12. Do you think having killed him will lead to more or to less deaths of innocent civilians and/or soldiers (that often didn't chose their fate either)?
  13. Maybe should have linked to this article instead as it's not solely a Russian thing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_calendar
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas_in_Russia
  15. How about you just employ yourself and pay yourself a wage of 10 million dollars
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