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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. This man is so good at keeping you engaged in his bullshit
  2. After three years I'm still not entirely sure if he is doing this on purpose or if he is really that dumb. Or is he hoping that acting dumb makes him seem smart and that he that way can hide is stupidity?
  3. You will inevitably feel bad about it and regret it. Something to look forward to.
  4. I have not been to Christiania but it appears to be a fun place. What does WATMM think? OR ????
  5. I always thought Merzbow makes noise music because it's just fucked up noises and what's not to like about that? But it seems he tries to express the pain of animal cruelty in industrial life stock farming. I for some reason got his email address so I could ask him if that's even true but I don't care about his music enough to do that.
  6. ... or similar is always at the bottom of the page. how can I change that`?
  7. yeah, it's why I avoid hash. often it's also overpriced, being sold at the same price per gram as flower. nuts! moroccan hash used to cost half as much as flower per gram which I think is fair. but if you come across the good stuff it's amazing. i love the taste of good hash prohibition sucks
  8. Just yell at the two year old: "Stop having night terrors!", and hit them with the beer bottle if they don't obey Damn, the usage of they as a singular pronoun is weird.
  9. I guess this was the line that got me caze's facepalm. Just to clarify, I'm refering to the US led wars in the Middle East that the major European powers so eagerly joined because they wanted those economical advantages that a military offensive in close alliance with the US would guarantee. With the UK leading the way. I'm by the way criticising governments here, not people(s). /offtopic
  10. Yeah, like all US leaders have been. But Nixon seems to be one of the more disgusting ones. Obama was a slick motherfucker as well. Even though he seems likable and charming, under his administrations more wars were led than under any other administration. And I'm angry at Europe that it has been sucking US dick for so long Him having gotten the Nobel Peace Prize was a joke.
  11. My last sentence "the American president is above the law and some sort of dictator in a fake democracy" was definitely a hyperbole. The US is a democracy, be it a flawed one. It is an old democracy. And maybe that's the problem here, too much ballast from the past ist imprinted into the laws and procedures that are not viable for the present. And apart from the presidential system which I don't like but which can work, the factual two party system is a problem. In other countries parties are forced to form coalitions to gain majorities which is healthy for a democratic discourse and more appropriate for a pluralistic society and enables the integration of different views. In the present system the electorate basically has no real chance to express an accentuated position when both parties are basically catch-all, as Noam Chomsky puts it, business parties acting in favour of corporate (non-democratic) power. The biggest election interference is and has always been campaign funding. Also, the US interferes in other country's elections on a regular basis, so election interference isn't really as much a scandal and abnormal as it seems even if it's obviously not lawful.
  12. As very honest described, the grounds on which the impeachment stands are not banal. If a leader of any other Western country would act like Trump does they would be gone very soon. Only the "leader of the free world" (lol) is allowed to commit crimes and undermine democracy in such ways.
  13. Was there ever a president that got impeached by the House of Representatives and the Senate? Even Nixon's impeachement didn't pass the senate but everyone today thinks of him as the guy who was impeached. This whole impeachment process is less a legal procedure than a political one and you shouldn't expect a fair outcome from it in any case which clearly shows that the American president is above the law and some sort of dictator in a fake democracy.
  14. Yes, I've heard they're a bit more expensive on the other side of the Atlantic but $270 is just insane. $80 is okay. I got mine for EUR 44,99 on sale which made me happy
  15. Sounds promising. Did you need to burn it in before use like it's regommended with wrought iron ware or is that not necessary with cast iron.? Well, I guess I will google that one. I recently got a dutch oven (big ass enameled cast iron pot) and it's amazing for making goulash or even baking bread. Big recommendation as well
  16. I envy Australians because they have koalas and kangaroos. And I envy Canadians because they have legal weed and a functioning education system. And I hate thinking in terms of nationality but can't help it. It's a man made construct but it's too real to ignore. What would happen if we opened all borders? Probably nasty things (like people of differenr skin colour seeing each other) And I hate accidentally getting the sleeves of my sweater wetted when washing dishes And I think the dark web is a useful thing to order stuff within one's own country's borders even if said stuff isn't legal in said country but this isn't a recommendation And I hate when the spoon accidentally drops into the soup. Getting it out is uncomfortable especially when the soup is still hot So many thoughts...
  17. Yes, it's a good one. Give 4 ho mipt a try as well
  18. Obama was a fuck-up, too, and so was Bush. But Trump is another level of obnoxiousness. Probably the post-modern approach
  19. I think CBD on its own doesn't work that well. Combined with the slightest amount of old fashioned THC weed it does wonders, though. You basically have all the positive effects of being high without actually being high, which is less fun but useful.
  20. Let's hope that until then the global right shift will be replaced by a global left shift. But honestly I have little hope. People are just too fucking stupid (or pliable for that matter). And the masses of old people have never learnt media literacy and are therefore welcome victims of the right's lies. Bummer because I want to continue thinking of Finland as the land of fairies and wonders and endless social democracy, lol. Reality sucks
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