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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. I've studied psych for a while as minor subject and these kind of actions are often related to borderline or bipolar disorder or just depressive frustration. But yeah, some specialist could probably tell you what it really is. If you ask me all that psych stuff doesn't help. You have to forcefully suppress your feelings and take control over what you do, no matter how it feels
  2. Doesn't sound good. Next time don't do that, aight?
  3. I've been waiting for so long to be teached right but now that I am I truly no the rifght attitude tii haff with things and poeepole online. .,aetri I liearned good finally I cannt wait to get lots of upbotes on rebbit when I make intelligencent and snarky commenz there It was about time someone put you in your place with all your intolerance and non-respectful discussions with Trump supporters good you finally see what you did wrong and start becoming a better person #now
  4. Be the Light that radiates unconditional Love and have Fun:)
  5. I know what you mean, it's kinda why I do so little street photography. It always feels a bit weird to just take pictures of people in the streets. One time I photographed a large group of kids making giant soap bubbles using two sticks with a circular thread stretched between them and I actually photographed the soap bubbles more than the kids but one of the moms walked up to me and told me to fucking stop taking pictures of their children. That felt a bit awkward, like I'm some pedophile creep. But in the end I think it's best to keep everything you make. You will thank yourself in 5 years because it's an interesting retrospective
  6. One time I met a Moroccan guy in the train who was in Europe for the first time to work in a nuclear power plant. It started out to be an interesting talk, he told me about his job in the power plant how he perceived European landscape and that everything looks so much greener than what he is used to. He went on and on with talking and at some point made me exchange Facebook contacts with him. Now he frequently sends me videos of people with weird diseases and body deformations in Arab language and asks me how my family is and that he wants to visit me. Amazing but Jesus Christ our savior What I'm trying to say is I hear you
  7. Why do you assume he doesn't debate respectfully with Trump supporters?
  8. I use a 100mm macro lens and sometimes combine it with an extension tube and a close-up diopter which is something like a magnifier that you can screw on the lens but in order to achieve nice macros you can also just reversely mount a wideangle lens onto you camera using a reverse adapter ring
  9. I still don't get why people on WATMM find Peterson so interesting. His success is based on people either agreeing with him or being outraged by his world view. So he is discussed and gets media attention which makes him sell some more of his silly books and ideas.
  10. Well yeah man. No contest from me, that's 100% accurate. But the reality is that many of these systems are broken systems. I guess what I'm asking is how do you change from the existing tip based system to a higher base rate without making a shit ton of people unemployed/homeless etc in the "short term" (long fucking term for those that end up jobless and homeless), given elasticity in the services market is incredibly high? worker protection laws
  11. On a second thought waiters actually can make good money. If it's a cultural obligation to tip around 20% waiters can get tips of 30 dollars per table easily if prices are high enough. Makes it a well paid job at least in a lot of restaurants in big cities. No?
  12. It's a cultural thing and shouldn't be regulated by law I think. Of course there should be a minimum wage. I've heard that in some states of USA there are laws that subtract an estimated amount of tips from the minimum wage so that waiters sometimes get paid around 2 dollars per hour plus tips. If that's true it sounds like a pretty retarded way. Why should customers of a restaurant pay the restaurant employees wages?
  13. In Italy they sometimes put the 10% tip on the bill without even asking. In Germany it's polite to tip but not obligatory. Depending on what kind of restaurant you are in of course. Usually you round up to an amount that makes it easy to return the change as you normally don't pay with credit card (often that's not even possible). Waiters and waitresses are paid better here so you tip at around 5 - 10%
  14. sounds nifty to me. actually I like tracks that don't have that many changes in its macrostructure but a lot of microstructural changes. that can create an intense immersion
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