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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. sounds really good how do you come up with the rhythms?
  2. not my best but it's simply to hot to have any patience
  3. ^^^the sauce looks extremely flavourful
  4. Kafka flows like constipation, gotta love him
  5. Luckily scorpions don't exist where I live but I just read that due to climate change they start to settle in German cities where they can survive winters in basements. And I'm wondering if summers have always been so hot here or if it's due to climate change. Right now it's 37°C
  6. I actually like the mixing. It's a pretty badass sounding beat. You definitely have a distinct style
  7. lower acidity man. coffee tastes like it smells with cold brew, no harsh aromas
  8. Right now I have an adequate income by working in a wood lab plus the earnings of a scholarship in sociology and biology. My former qualification in a federal volunteer service enabled me to take responsibilities in human oriented jobs. Basic academic psychology knowledge enables me to work in social jobs also. Maybe I have not chosen the financially most lucrative path but a path that will always be important and that I can be sure of feeding me and my possible family now and in the future. There is not so much that can go wrong with my life, economically, which is a huge relief.
  9. When the god Jupiter played a role in Roman religion it was inappropriate to use "IV" as a number because it was the abbreviation of Jupiter (IVPITER). Later when christianity took over this was no longer the case and IV could be used again which is the more logical syntax but both dictions stayed around.
  10. Nice picvs. First one is stunning. Maybe have a look at Fujifilm cameras
  11. ^sure but at the beginning of the war it wasn't clear that Hitler would terminate the nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union. There still was even the possibility of Hitler forming an alliance with Stalin. But we are far off topic
  12. i feel kinda dumb for not realising this but this really made me dink about how many wars (esp in the 20th century) were basically fallout from other wars. this is at least the case with WWI -> WWII in a number of ways. and also the war on drugs and war on terrorism as they are unwinnable in a different sense. and even when you think you win, for how long will that hold until something else breaks out? like sometimes i've wondered if WWII had ended differently, how long would Germany really be able to control the whole world before people figured out a way to get rid of them? it seems like it would be a lot of work having the whole world under control, and having enough people willing to go along with it to make it work. hmmm If you like infotainment kind of stuff, Extra Credits (generally a YT show about games and design) has a history series that follows the logistics/economics of WWII. Germany was kind of set up to fail from the beginning if you look at all of the data, ie resources etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYv-GC8DgMk&list=PLhyKYa0YJ_5CpF0wJeXpZAJp6A-sQ_M3A But aside from that, yeah, The Korean war and Vietnam were pretty directly related to WWII. The second gulf war was intrinsically connected to the first. Very interesting series of videos but I don't see mentioned that Germany was set up to fail from the beginning, to me it looks like there was a real possibility of a more unfortunate end of the war. Bummer that it doesn't take into consideration the economical role of Ostarbeiters or other enslaved people (of which there were around 11 million) in the Third Reich. It would be interesting to know how important these people were for the war economy.
  13. development aid via who though? a lot of times the NGOs get it all wrong. if it was the US NAvy Seabees doing building projects then they get shit done. haliburton etc not so much. that kind of thing is tough to do right or well. nation building is a shit show. it's all a shit show really.. world bank wto etc.. is fucked up. not that it has to be but it has been for long time due to political pressures and one nation or another pulling the strings. USA invading iran would be super stupid but there's been a "Committee to Liberate Iran" for 30 years i think.. corporate partnerships w/Iranian nationals and pentagon insiders.. it's a thing that always seems to be in place.. always a plan for invading any country. i don't think the US population has the stomach for more middle east wars though.. i think iraq and afghanistan are about all anyone can stand and the tax cuts and wars have soaked up all the cash so it's only a matter of time until more bridges start collapsing and the entirety of US Infrastructure starts to fail en masse. from the electrical grid to the rail roads to power and water systems.. it's all gonna crumble. who wants to have a drink? Hmm, development aid is a complex topic. I guess it's best to do that through asymmetrical fair-trade treaties that favour the developing country and protect their local economy, that would require the responsible governments to actually want this though. But that's a different topic I guess. As for a possible Iran war and public opinion in the US, I think that wars can be prepared by establishing certain kinds of rhetorics beforehand. Public opinion can be shaped. A lot of people still think that the Afghanistan war is a humanitarian project to liberate Afghanistan from the Taliban and protect other countries from Islamic terrorism (as a reaction to the 9/11), a War on Terror, while in fact it seems certain that there are other interests involved (oil). But even if the US public was against such a war, would that change anything? i feel kinda dumb for not realising this but this really made me dink about how many wars (esp in the 20th century) were basically fallout from other wars. this is at least the case with WWI -> WWII in a number of ways. and also the war on drugs and war on terrorism as they are unwinnable in a different sense. and even when you think you win, for how long will that hold until something else breaks out? like sometimes i've wondered if WWII had ended differently, how long would Germany really be able to control the whole world before people figured out a way to get rid of them? it seems like it would be a lot of work having the whole world under control, and having enough people willing to go along with it to make it work. hmmm Wasn't there some paper that reveals that during WW2 the American government thought that after the war the world would be separated in an American and a German zone of influence? I thought I heard Chomsky talk about this at some point. But in the end it was split between Russian and American influence zones, so I guess if Germany would have conquered half the world the conflict would have been similar to that with the Soviet Union especially as the Soviet Union collaborated with the Nazis until Stalingrad. Also interesting is to think about how much the US in the end profited from both world wars especially from the first. I've read that the USA became a major power through exports of weapons and good to the fighting European powers during World War 1. And obviously it gained influence in Europe at the end of World War 2, also through the Marshall Plan. It is interesting how power relations shift throughout centuries and how everything is connected. Kinda frightening too. Who knows what comes next
  14. Not sure if there is such thing as winning in such a war, just clusterfuck. But pretty sure the U.S. won't be occupied by Iranian troops. Iran being occupied by Americans seems more realistic. Iranians struggle to establish themselves in Syria after their emplacements were bombed by Israelis. U.S. army on the other hand is ridiculously strong. If only a fraction of the annual US defense spendings would go into development aid a lot of problems could be solved I bet.
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