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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. oh ye :catrecline: :catrecline:
  2. I can only speak for Gocab but no ill intention in saying thanks, just thanks thanks TH diatoms u have holes in skulllll in the skull in THE skull thanks
  3. i confirm now reading: adorno - minima moralia
  4. All Americans are fat fascists and eat Donuts all day long What do you think?
  5. China is a good country. They oppress their citizens but it's mostly Asians, so it's okay (I'm racist). They invest a lot into green energy these days and they build high performance computers that are much better than the American ones. They don't practice so much protectionism. And they have this unstoppable trinity: Daoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, which gives them basically super powers. And they don't hate Jews. I wonder how future will look like. Europe is the most powerful economic and military force in the world these days, America will become weaker and weaker and China gets more and more power. What food will people in the year 2100 eat? Donuts, Baguette or Rice? Will there be war? Will China democratize? Hehehe Film I recently watched: "The Signal" - very mediocre. Story was very bad but camera and light was okay. Can't recommend
  6. https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fdaniel.golan.906%2Fvideos%2F1859751197375730%2F&show_text=0&width=400
  7. symmetrical this .... ??? No, the Union Jack isn't symmetrical, look at the white part of the diagonal stripes: Where would you draw the symmetry axis?
  8. Union Jack isn't symmetrical, the flags you posted are, they look similar but they aren't the Union Jack if you are a fusspot. The outer white lines of the diagonal stripes are uneven, they are the equivalent of the outer lines of a Swastika, so no correct symmetry axis can be drawn. Correct? Thanks
  9. The need of transcendence kills us all. it made us invent religions that led to war, it made us write books some of which also led to war. It makes us make children that eventually die. Human race is fucked
  10. I feel satisfaction from the fact that you feel dirty now also I read that rewarding kills instrinsic motivation. I destroy your motivation to outpace my competitors hehehe
  11. good promo, made me buy your album one kebab for you
  12. now you have to click "prev" to see the latest DANK MEMES
  13. Remembering is a process of dynamic interpretation of experience. The one who remembers does not necessarily access memories of a past reality but creates viable knowledge about a possible past that is coherent with the present. Memory doesn't work like a hard drive, there is no memory in that sense, there are pictures floating around in the mind that are sorted by the act of remembering in order to construct a narrative that helps to survive in the world. What was the first sentence I typed again?
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