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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. hehe, but seriously. What would happen after someone shot Trump down? Would they blame all Muslims for it and invade a country with natural ressources? Or would Bannon start a civil war?
  2. I wonder how CIA manages to prevent so many people from shooting him in the head? So many weapons in America and none of them are used wisely. Not saying someone should shoot him in the head but would be interesting to see what would happen next.
  3. I don't normally eat that much eggs. That's why I felt I'd share this information
  4. Very thin sliced deer steak, medium, with roquette, balsamico vinegard, potato salad and a glass of Rioja wine.
  5. https://www.facebook.com/squarepusher/videos/10154440738942849/?ref=notif&notif_t=live_video_share&notif_id=1490279921660208
  6. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like? I genuinely some in my, with all respect, whom I hold as am I :/
  7. no it didn't Well, some would consider his mental state a neurological problem - but for him it worked, he feels high all the time now You don;t think that could be down to the massive amounts of LSD he had taken? Yeah, it's probably because of the LSD. But still a fascinating story Just imagine yourself drilling a hole into your own head, eww
  8. no it didn't Well, some would consider his mental state a neurological problem - but for him it worked, he feels high all the time now
  9. Bore Hole It's about a man who trepanated himself. A trepanation is an operation where a little hole is drilled into the skull. He seeked to expand his mind and get to a higher level of consciousness by doing that - and it worked
  10. It's all made of waves, energies, frequencies, processes, functions and physical elements that form into complex structures (like solar systems or lifeforms). There are certainly complex interacting structures that might reproduce themselves and develop and even produce some form of mind but they don't necessarily fulfill the strictly defined biological criteria of "life" and maybe can't even be detected by the means of perception humans have. so maybe we should rethink our concept of what life is and what mind is before we are able to find intelligent alien life. many people won't even ascribe a complex mind to animals, so how could they do it with a being that doesn't have eyes and whose structure isn't even based on a genetic code?
  11. these cats are adorable, I love them all
  12. That might be true but it depends on what you want. If you want to have overwhelming synaesthetic visuals complex music ist great. Abrassive music can be very frightening so that's more the problem here I think. If you want to experience the music as a driving foundation to structure your mind during a chaotic trip I would recommend some techno dub or Goa music This one is the best though:
  13. Some (slightly pretentious) psychedelic jazz that I love:
  14. I mean China doesn't pay their people as good as the US and they produce cheaper. You have to consider this. Russia pays 5,4% of their GDP for military and only Saudi-Arabia (over 13%) pays more. The US only pays 3,3%. But yeah, it's still concerning you also need to consider we've been spending this much of the budget on military for 50 years or whatever and china has been doing it how long? also, we did also spend a few $Trillion in Iraq/afghanistan China spends about $250 billion a year on infrastructure because they didn't have one but i bet they beat us in the clean energy race and if tiny hads fuckwad derails our clean energy boom it'll take us even longer to catch up. either way USA priorities are surely fucked and have been for decades. Definitely! The world would be a more peaceful place without the US (and living organisms in general)
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