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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. holy shit, do they really all exist or do you make them up?
  2. I don't understad why people do this to themselves. Has this something to do with masculinity?
  3. How did I miss this? I love Sendai!
  4. This is so so bad for your heart, please don't combine amps and working out. For endurance training it might be a bit hard on the heart but for muscle build-up it should be fine if dosed reasonably I think. But I'm not sure. Thanks for warning by the way Maybe a low dose of some white leave strain kratom could also enhance motivation but I have to try that yet. kratom always caused some nausea to me so that might not work that well
  5. thanks! almost forgot, but just came to my mind: a good natural one is canna,it's made from the roots of a plant growing in south africa. you can snort it, smoke it, or eat it. it's relatively unknown but you can order it from smartshops. it had some stimulating and even euphorizing effects on me, no placebo edit - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sceletium_tortuosum
  6. I'm lazy and should work-out more so I was wondering if taking amphetamines could motivate me - but as it looks you're talking about legal stimulants (which don't have a real noticeable effect on me)
  7. I wasn't aware that choir music can be that beautiful. Definitely a nice soundcloud:
  8. I'm at 4:51 and like it. Not epoch-making but a very solid blend of sounds with interesting evolving textures that remains interesting. Cool stuff man
  9. Liberals are more empathetic and think outside of their national/family/personal boxes more, that's some kind of mental opportunity that makes them privileged
  10. weird = cool even weirder with strange translation
  11. There are more people who have access to smart phones with internet connection than there are people who have access to clean fresh water wrong thread, sorry
  12. I guess some breeders canceled their farms. But chinese government blame it on the people rather than the industry. Still a bizarre picture - just imagine a pack of these furry bastards run around and do bad things Gesendet von meinem SM-G900F mit Tapatalk
  13. A massive plague of weird giant dogs cause a lot of problems in north west china. They are as furry as they are damaging the local biosphere. They hunt for leopards for example. http://en.people.cn/n3/2016/1231/c90000-9161337.html
  14. To be fair I started the argument by saying that what LimpyLoo said wasn't that useful. Guess what's even more useless than a conversation about a FWP of someone on the other side of the world? Conversing longwindedly about that conversation
  15. That's quite accademic and it's a good thing to think about these things. But as I said, it's not very practical. "You just have to fix how your hippocampus works" isn't an advice that really helps :) If you tell him "change your behavior" you should clarify how he can do that exactly but you can't because you don't know him. But it's nice of you that you want to help But we're going round in circles now When I'm angry at someone because they said something bad, how does it help me to know all this stuff about what brain part is activated etc? The problem is still there. So what you say isn't a real advice but just knowledge. Good to have and interesting to know but doesn't fix anything
  16. That's quite accademic and it's a good thing to think about these things. But as I said, it's not very practical. "You just have to fix how your hippocampus works" isn't an advice that really helps :) If you tell him "change your behavior" you should clarify how he can do that exactly but you can't because you don't know him. But it's nice of you that you want to help But we're going round in circles now
  17. Thing is, if you don't know that person you can't give sufficient advice Aka "y'all don't know me" Individual differences don't reach down into the limbic system You and I are running the same firmware, homie To clarify: It's not me who has these anger issues, it's the guy one page before. I'm just interferring the conversation :) I mean what you said isn't wrong but it's so vague that it probably won't help him defeat his anger in my opinion - but I might well be wrong
  18. Thing is, if you don't know that person you can't give sufficient advice
  19. "just let go and change your behavior" isn't a very practical advice. You can say that anytime but it doesn't change anything It is *the* most practical advice possible (By definition of 'practical' in fact) And if by 'it doesn't change anything' you mean 'it doesn't actually bend the world to your will' then yes I agree That's the whole point The only tool you have that bends the world is your behavior (which is driven by your internal models of the world, which clearly aren't useful models if you are perpetually angry and ineffectual) So if someone gets extremely angry on a regular basis I should just say: "don't get angry anymore" Or if someone is depressed I say: "Don't be depressed anymore" Wow, that's very helpful
  20. "just let go and change your behavior" isn't a very practical advice. You can say that anytime but it doesn't change anything
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