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  1. i know, haven't seen any gigs lately though :~)
  2. amazing recommendations, especially extralife's. i can't seem to make time to sift through new releases right now, but i'm looking forward to visiting next year's thread in 2024 and listening to everything that has come out in 2023
  3. just listened to a few of your tracks--great stuff welcome!
  4. when i was a kid my dad used to read a computer beginner's guide to make me fall asleep Also: Eunice aphroditois is a benthic bristle worm of warm marine waters. It lives mainly in the Atlantic Ocean, but can also be found in the Indo-Pacific.[1][2] It ranges in length from less than 10 cm (4 in) to 3 m (10 ft). (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eunice_aphroditois)
  5. was it a one-handed or a two-handed wankers slap?
  6. how hard did you slap? i got to 49km/h when two-handing the mouse
  7. yeah he's great. i'd recommend the sw / svn albums as well
  8. my favourite of theirs. while it doesn't have their best individual tracks it certainly feels the most cohesive and thought through. if i want to listen to a full boc record i always put geogaddi on
  9. disregarding some inaccuracies such as that musicians are in fact paid "a fraction of penny" per listen as opposed to in total (which she implies), and that a handful of artists are probably nearing joe rogan sums of spotify money, this is a pretty good point. sends a message about what music as an art is worth, i suppose. same point made in the abovementioned new yorker article. there was this joke in a swedish tv show recently on how most cultural news shows are in fact entertainment news shows and should be named as such (e.g. is it cultural or entertainment news that kanye and kim broke up or that rihanna is pregnant? i'd wager the latter alternative). this reminds me of that. spotify is, in the end, more interested in entertainment than they are in culture
  10. i think the music streaming companies made a brilliant move in promoting playlists over albums etc. as consumers we're locked in, despite wanting to leave e.g. spotify. i'm guilty of this myself. what average consumer without a decent sized mp3-library has the time, money and motivation to recreate their bazillion one-song-per-artist-playlists without using a convenient streaming service
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