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Everything posted by zero

  1. you seem to be coming at this from some way-too-deep philosophical, or possibly legal mindset about all this...a lot of these questions all boil down to morality and ethics, universal principles that I didn't invent. do you feel you personally have an understanding of right from wrong? good from bad? I'm personally of the belief that there is certainly a right way for people to act/behave/speak, and a wrong way. spreading lies/hatred to me, falls in the "wrong" category. and if the individual continually does so, and it wasn't some one-off, then I'd say that individual should no longer be tolerated / should be ignored, since they are a proven bad actor... I don't want to go much further down this rabbit hole in this thread thx
  2. for sure. my original comment to you wasn't aimed at getting you into a defensive stance to stand up for Alex Jones, only to highlight what so many people find extremely offensive about him. my personal opinion is that no one should be listening to anyone who knowingly spreads hate, lies, and misinformation, not even for entertainment purposes. people like this should be ignored, since giving them your attention is what they want.
  3. toxic work environments caused by bad management sucks. once that culture is in place, it is really hard to change/get rid of. I dealt with that at a previous company for years. didn't realize at the time how harmful mentally it can be. that stuff causes a lot of anxiety, and it spills out into your personal life. I went and got some psychological counselling due to it...either you accept the shitty-ness of the situation and figure out a way to maintain some sort of inner calm while dealing with the bad bosses, or find another gig. neither are easy options.
  4. in my experience, if the other person doesn't text you right away to exchange contact info, then forget it.
  5. dude I'd suggest you take a quick glance at his wiki page if you really are this unsure about what type of person he is - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Jones maybe you haven't personally heard him say anything hateful, but this doesn't mean the rest of the planet hasn't. he is more than likely the king of fake news. he's a modern day version of the National Enquirer, which used to be an obviously fake tabloid paper. he makes up bullshit in order to sell it to all the gullible zombies glued to right wing channels like OAN/Faux news/Breitbart. not just the merchandise crap he slings, but the ideas he bakes into their heads is what the real product is. he's an influencer to those who are sadly unable to delineate between fact and fiction. sure you can blame the recipients for believing it. but you probably know by now that a huge percentage of humans have turned into social media lemmings, believing whatever they see posted on their phone apps. Jones is smart enough to exploit this fact, and profits off of the hateful messaging. people actually give this prick $ if you don't see this type of person as dangerous, or a threat to the common good or a peaceful existence on this planet, then no use trying to go further. maybe he hasn't directly committed murder, but he endorses hate groups, pumps their heads full of more garbage that leads to actual harm to other humans... and now bizarro world Elon has given him back his X microphone to continue building his brand (which is a total con), and keep on posting out the hate to all his loyal zombie followers, on the mega dumpster fire site formerly known as twitter!
  6. if Jones was a fictional character like Jacoby, then yeah, it'd be easy to see him as an amusing zany kook. but unfortunately for the planet, he is in fact real, and spews some of the most hatemongering conspiratorial bigoted garbage online, or on whatever media platform he can push his way onto. sadly, there are way too many people in this country that buy into the bullshit he dishes out, and he thrives on it. therefore he is no Dr. Jacoby. he is actually taken seriously by a chunk of the population, and a threat to peace. he is one of the modern era whackos actively pushing for humans to turn on one another, do hateful shit to each other, all in the name of making Alex Jones as rich as possible...and so for that, yeah, some people are gonna hate Jones for "whatever" reason.
  7. so true. since T was a newbie to the whole presidential thing back in 2016, he went along with the suggestions that must have been put forward to him by the legacy R's. this led to him getting "his" generals, etc., which were really his babysitters... now we see the R's have moved almost all the old GOP guard out the way, and the influencers in the party are all borderline psychos, like Goetz, Mike Johnson, horseface, or just plain ol dumbasses like that idiot con man Santos or beetlejuice girl. these will be the people flocking to score a seat at the table this time round, and holy shit, it is like some bizzarro world con artist Voltron team forming with an angry orange head plopped on top...I read that Jan. 6th tattoo horn guy Jacob whatever is running for some political seat in Arizona. knowing trump, that dude will probably end up getting some seat in his inner circle...it's all nuts.
  8. the guy interviewed in this article really nails it in regard to the psychology behind why all these uber die hard Christians keep supporting the orange chump: https://www.theatlantic.com/podcasts/archive/2023/12/how-trump-has-transformed-evangelicals/676267/ ^ this. sad to say, but it is easy to see how having a black president really set the stage for this massive backlash against progressive culture in this country. white evangelical Christians are IMO the biggest threat toward the country getting "back to normal." their infiltration in the R party is extremely problematic. Trump is gonna try and start some modern era version of the Crusades if he gets back into office. and to him, it's just all shits and giggles...when is CIA gonna enact operation orange...donnie boy chokes to death on a piece of burnt overcooked steak???
  9. check out consumer cellular. they market almost entirely toward the 65+ crowd, but you don't need to be a retiree to sign up. I've used them for years and have had no complaints. they piggy back off AT&T towers, so whatever coverage with AT&T you have is the same with them.
  10. kinda a no-win situation. I'd imagine if he said no to her for a selfie, she'd make a big deal about it and post some stupid shit on twitter about what an a-hole Dave is, create some diva mess outta it... if I were Dave I would've just stayed the f out of the capitol in the first place, since that's where there are a whole bunch of crazy humans wandering around.
  11. don't believe the hype. typical bro-bert social media bull shit: https://www.newsweek.com/lauren-boebert-dave-chappelle-photo-1848640
  12. agree. she's not without faults. but at least she seems to be trying to not just spew out outlandish shit in order to cater to the crazies. the problem I had with her before is she was still very much under trump's spell. her reluctance to break with him came across as weak - just like the rest of the GOP. now it seems like she's taking baby steps to distance herself from him. at some point soon she will have to ramp this up, if she wants to gain more traction, and possibly convert some of the red hat militia. but yeah...orange guy's brainwashing techniques are holding firm. just so fckin insane millions of people in this country want him back again.
  13. I hear what you guys are saying...basically a very low percent of people trusts any of their governments anymore when it comes to their narratives. we certainly can't trust the official Russian version of events, and we can't exactly trust the other side either. so then it boils down to who do you trust more. in order to make that determination, we go to various outsider academics or non-profit groups to try and get all the facts. this made me curious as to when did this phenomenon begin, since I don't think it was always this way. here's an interesting chart regarding declining trust in the US govt: https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2023/09/19/public-trust-in-government-1958-2023/
  14. Russia can't be trusted since it is a known fact that their leader is no different than a mafia kingpin. lying and Russian leadership go hand in hand. look at how this started. Vlad's own advisers lied to him about how easy it would be to take Ukraine. there was the lie about eliminating nazis. lying to their own troops regarding why they are even in Ukraine... that's why outside influence from China, US, etc. has to be forced upon Russia to get them to quit with this disastrous quagmire they have gotten into. they can't be trusted to come to the negotiation table, so other countries have to work on behalf of one side or the other to try and get this pointless war to end. the whole trust no one ethos only goes so far IMO. western media reporting is night and day compared to the state run propaganda machine. yes multiple sources are the best way to determine what's actually going on out there. but I wouldn't go as far as saying impossible to come by though. I'd like to think that outlets like NPR, BBC, Politico, Guardian, NY Times, are still credible outlets for information... if you don't trust any of it then that's cool. at least we have scientific fact, which so far hasn't let us down lol.
  15. those links to articles you posted both have a very heavy "it's all the west's fault" vibe to them, which is usually a red flag to me that an agenda is being pushed (i.e. propaganda). any sort of fact-based reporting should strive to be as neutral as possible, unless of course it's an opinion piece, of which the articles you linked to aren't being portrayed as such. bias in media is nothing new, but we all know it's been weaponized heavily thanks to this internet era of shit head politician social media fuckery we normal civilians have to deal with. I saw this article earlier with the same Ukranian dude quoted, which seems to put a bit of a different spin on the intended message here: https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-told-ukraine-to-scrap-nato-to-end-the-war the takeaway here should be is that you can't trust anything the Russians say about the war in Ukraine.
  16. IMO we're past this point. maybe in 2016 the anti-govt stance could be sold as part of the trump train... but he's in downward spiral, authoritarian/wannabe dictator mode now, possibly fucked legally with not a lot of fucks to give. he is spewing hate in his typical tongue-in-cheek manner, using all these gullible people's votes in an attempt to validate his totally corrupt position. there should be no justification given anymore for defending him, or for anyone who says they'll vote for him, as I see it. him and his ilk represent the worst of humanity. their "govt is bad" reasons are delusional bullshit, compared to what the guy they support talks about.
  17. he knows what he's doing, for sure. it's pure carny smarts. he's a sociopathic narcissist that has been manipulating people to his advantage for decades. he uses the same schtick over and over again. incredibly, there are people that can't see this. or they see it and don't care, because many of them are the same way as him, albeit to a lesser degree. the number of people I've heard defending him because "he's a businessman" is insane. him being president is a massive con. probably the biggest con in modern history.
  18. more proof that the maga movement is mutating into something more extreme...there should be no denying the fact it is a full on hate group. anyone voting for trump is complicit in this racist / misogynist garbage. really sad that this shit is passed on to kids. normally, I'd say the leader of a group like this needs to be investigated by the FBI. but this is politics. and apparently it gets a pass when a so-called politician does it. sickening. https://www.salon.com/2023/11/20/holy-crusade-christian-evangelicals-flock-to-his-version-of-a-final-solution/
  19. lol. who is gonna start "putting us down?" chatbots? skynet ain't here yet, as far as I can tell... humans are doing a pretty good job of wiping each other out, and the planet too. no need for the sinisterly awakened consciousness run amok robots to do it for us. all it will take is one dumbass country with nukes to let em rip, and then all this worry about robots killing us will be a non-issue.
  20. zero

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    claro! ain't no grey area here, bruv. either you did a thing or you didn't. there's no maybe when it comes to did you read a book or not lol. trust me man, you don't want that burden. my parents did keep a lot of that shit from my childhood, and then dumped it all back on me several years ago. I spent too much time debating what to do with it all, before I ended up donating the majority to goodwill. it is better to let go of that stuff if you ask me... bro r u serious? naked lunch is probably Burroughs most well known book. it was very famous (infamous?) before it became a movie haha. personally, if you've only like maybe read 2 books in ur life, then I wouldn't recommend starting with that one from his canon. either Junky or Queer are better entry points to Burroughs, if you want to read anything by him. or if you do want the psychedelic madness Naked Lunch is known for, you could try the much shorter story The Exterminator - which is where the whacky bug fumigator character came from. but his style takes getting used to, and is not easy reading. maybe try something by Brett Easton Ellis? he's fairly mainstream, and known for most of what you listed above. he wrote American Psycho, you probably know the movie. but Glamorama is much better for madness/thriller IMO... American Gods by Neil Gaiman is also a classic, which is another good entry point for his stuff...there's also Chuck Palahniuk to explore, y'know the guy who wrote Fight Club, since I seem to be on a book into movie/TV show theme atm.
  21. zero

    Now Reading

    what the hell? even when you were a kid? I think u lying...I seem to recall you saying in some thread you read Siddartha
  22. ha, for a sec there I thought you wrote "Ai" Gore. as in an Ai version of Al Gore. he was once called the Gore-bot, so you never know. I mean crazier shit then that could actually happen. like electing trump lol
  23. Tim Scott was certainly the most likeable of the 'publican challengers to donnie. my guess is Haley becomes the last person standing out of this group... but it all seems sorta moot, since the R's have handcuffed themselves to the orange collared criminal. insane to think 'merica could elect its 1st convicted felon to the throne...so it'll come down to a wannabe dictator vs. wal-mart greeter grandpa joe vs. anti-vaxxor conspiracy whacko. Alexa, can we please have a fckin 4th option? I'd pencil in an AI-lite chatbot to run the show at this point. reality ain't working out that well anymore.
  24. no clue. was thinking along the lines of the sci fi trope of humans infusing pieces of technology hardware into their bodies.
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