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Everything posted by zero

  1. in honor of the recent passing of legendary bad ass Mr. Carl Weathers, I decided to give this a whirl: classic grindhouse blaxploitation film shot in a totally gritty 1970's downtown Kansas City. Carl has a minor role. the plot makes little sense, but who cares. lots of ass kicking. Pam Grier is in sultry goddess mode. great funk/library funk soundtrack. it was awesome.
  2. after ignoring all this taylor swift maga nonsense I've seen in the headlines, I finally decided to read up on it to find out what all the noise is about. wow. this is folie a deux on a mass scale, shared insanity among millions. I know I shouldn't be shocked anymore by all this clown shit coming out of the maga world, but still. hard to believe this is reality. the pentagon had to make a statement indicating that there is no psy op involving taylor swift to get Biden re-elected. that's pretty nuts they had to actually address this.
  3. further proof...I live in TX and there was hardly any coverage...why is the BBC reporting on it...chicken prices at the grocery store are really high right now...there was an X-files episode about chicken farm cannibals...it's all linked man///you just gotta know where to look
  4. finished Fargo S5. was excellent. the final ending scene took a minute to sink in, but am glad that's how it went. this season was far more supernatural than I think some of the past ones were. a lot of really great cinematography and visual elements as usual, like those Tim Burton Halloween masks. yeah the MN accents were definitely over the top, but they were like that in the movie as well so if I were to rank the seasons, would probably be something like 2, 1, 5, 3, 4
  5. I am tired of them but what can I do really. there is no other option. pick the lesser of the 2 evils is what it boils down to. if there was a viable alternative, I would be more than willing to give that a shot. but we get 2 choices. old guys. one is mentally insane. the electoral system in this country is long overdue for an update to bring it into modernity. this ain't the fuckin 1700s/1800s any more. but every time we go through the motions to get to election day, it sure feels like we are living in some outdated good ol boy era. I mean yeah it could be worse, we could have no choice, just get whoever cheats their way to the top. but I think most people out there still think of the US as not one of those totally corrupt countries, which is why all this scrutiny gets thrown at our shit show elections.
  6. interesting...designed by teenage engineering. aren't they known for product hardware / QC issues? wonder how long these little gadgets will last before breaking. and that screen is way too small for internet pron. they totally forgot about that in the design phase
  7. The Fury was a blind thrift store vinyl purchase for me many many years ago when I was looking for '80s music to either sample or mix with. this thread has made me realize I never did either haha
  8. handling of the conflicts aside, remember trump's whole juvenile mantra of "America first" certainly didn't do the US any favors when it comes to the isolationism aspect. he openly sought to wreck America's relationships with its allies, all to placate a bunch of racist red hat wearing buffoons. I am no big Biden fan myself, but I would say the Biden admin's handling of the conflicts is probably lower down on the totem pole in regard to how other countries view the US. if I were "other countries", the main thing that would impact how I viewed the US would be the potentially disastrous implications of having a sociopathic orange maga man back in the white house...unless of course those countries are Russia, N. Korea, or any other place where an unethical full of shit dictator is at the helm.
  9. he's definitely overdue for a comeback album. way too many misfires & duds have dropped since his peak greatness, aka the OWE era. will keep the hope alive, but I've been down this road before...
  10. Zuck got caught building his underground lair: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/mark-zuckerberg-spent-187-million-191118946.html he's scared of the T-1000 showing up to get him
  11. haha why not give up on this silly charade now? I've never understood the dry January thing. I think it's a recent phenomenon tied to all the rise in self-help and fitness crap out there. does not drinking for a month somehow make you feel better about yourself? I mean if a person is drinking far too much and its problematic in the day to day, then probably good to get serious about curbing the habit. we all know there's plenty of help for that kinda thing out there... but taking a month off then resuming the same ol habit? what's the point? at least that seems to be what happens to the people I know IRL who do this dry Jan thing. can't wait to get hammered in Feb lol
  12. ??? it only gets better in S2... S3 seemed similar to S1, but was still an excellent season. better then so much crap out there. quality dropped in S4, I still think Chris Rock was a bad casting decision. edit: nm. I see you were talking about S5, which I haven't watched yet. yeah I've switched to the binging method for just about any show I watch these days. it's so much easier to follow the whole story, remember character names, etc. especially with a show like Fargo that has a ton of characters and plot lines that all weave around and connect eventually. I'll be starting on S5 soon now all episodes are out there.
  13. The Old Man. this started out strong with some really good tension, but by the last 2 episodes had lost its momentum, I was starting to zone out. it's a pretty typical cat and mouse spy thriller, with the bonus of having Jeff Bridges & Lithgow as the leads. those 2 are the main reason to give this a shot.
  14. yeah...a lot of bullshit wafting around in this thread lately. @decibal cooper it seems to me a lot of the questions you ask in here could be answered by seeking out accurate information on other sites where legit facts on the Russia/Ukraine conflict are presented? I'm not sure what you're getting at with all the - should I believe this, or should I believe that - type of questions you posit in here. after all, there is either fact, or there is bullshit. we all need to do a much better job on being able to determine which is which, I agree...but asking an IDM forum is probably not the best place to turn to if you really are serious on finding out some answers to questions you post. there is truth out there, it is not all fake news. tbh, it sorta comes off as you're pushing the bullshit narrative - aka whatever tf the Ruskie regime decides to pull out of their ass. here's an interesting site I found from the Canadian govt, where they are making a worthy attempt at countering the Ruskie BS with actual facts: https://www.international.gc.ca/world-monde/issues_development-enjeux_developpement/response_conflict-reponse_conflits/crisis-crises/ukraine-fact-fait.aspx?lang=eng
  15. zero

    The Simpsons

    yes the early seasons are gold. but it turned to such shit, which has more or less negated the genius of the whole thing. I've tried numerous times over the years to watch the newer (like post year 2000) eps, and just can't last more than a few minutes. the show probably should have stopped around the time they made the pointless Simpsons movie.
  16. I totally agree that any attention given to him and the maga brigade is a win for their side. it's what they want, even though they may not be able to articulate this exactly. it's been trumps mo since he became a public figure. draw in attention to him, and he'll somehow make whatever he's selling work. he's the con man king of the used car salesman world. as for the watmm discussions on it - yeah we've definitely had similar comments on here over the years about the trump show, and specifically how his rise is largely the media's fault. I know I've seen (and probably referenced) that Simpsons clip about the giant billboard people come to life, and they'll slowly die if you don't look numerous times now at this point... but imo, watmm is a discussion forum / outlet for people of a similar ilk, and I think we're all more or less on the same side when it comes to trump / politics. discussing this shit here feels less hostile than other internet places, and the trolling / fighting on here seems to have calmed down a lot over the years. I don't pay much mind to or click on any of the videos, because I hate all the fuckin annoying ads that will follow. and I don't take too much of what gets posted here all that seriously at the end of the day. to me it's mostly just point and laugh at how dumb it all is, and I'd hope that's what the other folks on here view anything that gets posted here similarly. I mean yeah, we (the collective "we") should all be over trump at this point, nothing he says/does anymore is shocking, and shouldn't be discussed. but the sad truth is that he is still a presence in our lives. an angry orange clown rudely injected into the public's attention span, just like a perpetual thorn in the fuckin side. my take, and probably what I post most on here about, is how it is just absolutely incredible to me that there are MILLIONS of people in this country that still want this shit head back in office. believe all his BS. even think of him like some religious savior. this is just so fuckin sick, unbelievable really. how can people take this guy seriously? why can't they see through his con? we're in facepalm times a million territory here...
  17. thanks to the 26 Mixes for Cash 128 kbps disaster, Warp learned never to try that again
  18. the finance people are saying buy now! buy now! buy now! and you'll get rich: https://www.fool.com/investing/2024/01/03/1-cryptocurrency-to-buy-before-soars-685-wall-stre/ bitcoin = 100% investment opportunity, capitalism at its finest. it's all about making yourself tons of $$$$. nothing more than that.
  19. jfc man...beer wolf vs. cocaine bear, when? 2 lunatic animals headlocked... liquid courage vs powdery nostrils. screen write this shit... there's far worse schlock out there
  20. this is best case scenario. your first point about GOP cowering to trump's loonies is of course the massive hurdle in the way here. but yeah, I'm in the anyone but trump camp, and would be thankful if someone like Haley can swing the party back into a somewhat more sane version of itself. if we are stuck with this 2 party system in this country, then we need to have both sides as close to equal as possible IMO. having one side play parent, while the other behaves like a screaming toddler, is not fundamentally healthy for governance. but I do believe that as long as trump's alive, he will continue to be a thorn in the side of GOP sanity. so possibly 20 more years of this crap... and then there's the scenario that GOP continues to become so infested with loonies with or without him, there is no course back to sanity. nonsensical, juvenile behavior in politics has been normalized for almost a decade now. we're all getting more and more used to it, despite recognizing how flawed it has become. and that is truly a scary scenario - social acceptance of fanaticism.
  21. exactly. like there's 1 extra brown person they noticed today, and all of a sudden the country's gone to shit under Biden! this wouldn't happen with Trump! irrational, delusional thinking is the real problem.
  22. why? there's still like 30-50% of the country supporting them, despite all the immature clown shit they say and do. the GOP can still afford to go even further off the crazy train rails, and literally half the country will still touch the R button on the voting booth screen. I don't see that there's much they could really do at this point to further hurt their chances. the in-fighting, etc. all doesn't seem to matter in the long run...it's the dems election to lose, as I see it... it'd be great if there were more of those swing states out there. why can't we have more swing states? oh yeah, because of the way the electoral college system works... I live in one of those die hard red states, where no matter what, the GOP wins year after year. Texas GOP leaders are guilty of racism, corruption, general lunacy...but none of it matters, they still get the votes. makes no sense to me.
  23. looks like Chandler entered the void via the k-hole route: https://www.businessinsider.com/matthew-perry-wrote-about-ketamine-infusion-therapy-memoir-cause-death-2023-12
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