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Everything posted by thumbass

  1. Still listening to this. I love the fact that there are still 1 or 2 short things from this mix that haven't been located yet, it's been fun following the people hunting for the credits to te tracks on this thing.
  2. I've been REALLY getting into mu-ziq again over these past few days.
  3. And Bluff limbo as an honorable mention
  4. Royal Astronomy Lunatic Harness Billious Paths
  5. Never heard of Tool before but the track sounds good, I have nothing to compare it with anyway. Came to watmm for electronic music, stayed for the rock music I guess
  6. The damned man ate a FUCKING SLICE OF bread whilst knowing full well that sounds are not for free. This ends here my Lord, I have my sword sgeathened and my appointment on hold so I will take a good leak on the son's sister tonight. Yes I have been sleeping. shit
  7. Saw that one pass by yeah, he has a lot of albums so I don't know where to begin lol, might start with the first one and this
  8. Listened to the first stage and decided to hold off on it yeah, first stage sounds absolutely beautiful but this is definitely not the right time of year for a collection like this
  9. For some reason I had never heard of this guy before today. Saw him mentioned in a watmm post and decided to check him out. Holy shit this hits hard man... I am on my summer vacation and now I feel depressed lol The first part reminds me of my grandparents house in Switzerland, brown, old, creaking, nostalgic. Going to hold off on this for now, I'll come back when it's autumn.
  10. Defo going to listen to the United acid Emirates album soon. The album cover alone makes me want to listen to it.
  11. I like their instrumental tracks. This album looks like it is going to have too many guest vocalists for my tastes..
  12. I am interested in this, never really got into bochum welt but I like his style. I detest the central processing unit album cover though
  13. I am really getting into this guy. He's crazy, I like his sense of humor
  14. Vol. 1 and 2? I'll check m out. might as well listen to it all now lol. I don't have any problems with that actually
  15. Love the chamelot tracks lol. His.music videos are amazing
  16. I'll check it out mate, thanks
  17. I really like Exidy Tours so far, love the drum and bass songs here and there. Is this his only dnb album?
  18. Steinbolt Been revisiting Ultravisitor
  19. Thanks guys I'll check them out
  20. Big fan of Squarepusher here. I am trying to get into the work of Tom's brother. What is the best album/ep to introduce me to the Ceephax Acid Crew?
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