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Everything posted by thefxbip

  1. Good ol' round-robin. Its such a cool feature. Love it when synths can do that. Love synth sequencers with a round robin step modulation as well.(my tetra can do that)
  2. There was old guys complaining about the decadence of the youth and youth complaining about the decadence of their elders (until they themselves get old) since the world was born. Same old story. Every generation is nearly the same but delude themselves thinking otherwise. The cycle repeat forever.
  3. I use youtube as a discovery tool. Its decent for that. Then i buy bandcamp when i can if its available/if i like it enough. Tried Spotify once, didnt get the hype. Did not like the interface. Soulseek when im real broke, sometimes ill buy later for real good stuff/ dead musicians / rich musicians/vinyl only. (if theyre rich or dead they dont need my money, im poor, but i support everytime i can independant, living musicians) FLAC warrior, i dont buy physical anymore. I still prefer physical books but for music i dont care, give me 'em FLAC.
  4. Oh cool one! wasnt aware of it! cheers for that!
  5. My pleasure im glad we got it working! have fun!
  6. Ah there is your problem you select the TRACK option. You have to select SELECTION. Transpose SELECTION not TRACK. Very important: You have to be sure the yellow underlining is on the note you want to transpose and select SELECTION, transpose X semitones. Try that it will work. I just did it and its how you do it.
  7. You have to select/underline just the one note you want in the track. Be sure that you only color underline one certain note and not the whole track. Might be what cause the problem?
  8. This tool is pretty cool, did buy it but I found a better flow just using renoise as a rewire slave with Reaper. Worth a try if you dont like the lack of piano roll/ mixing style that renoise offers/ prefer having gear audio visualized in stems.
  9. AFX mentioned this. I agree renoise should have this.
  10. If you complain about the state of the art of music in 2021 youre just beyond blasé imho hahaha There is an astonishing age for music. EDIT: sorry for the over zealous enthusiasm, needed a sandwich
  11. Sorry but i find this completely absurd. Just take a step back. The possibilities that recording, electronic instruments and computers have unlocked are unparalleled in the whole history of music. The new processes and instruments completely regenerated the musical vocabulary. You forget about it because you were born it it, if you were to take anyone from the 18th century and show them Stockhausen, Xenakis, AFX, Merzbow, Venetian Snares, Tim Hecker it would be like a huge bomb exploding in their face. There was NOTHING like it before the advent of recording and music technology. It created a whole new universe of musical ideas. The instrumentation, electronic processes and recording techniques are limitless.
  12. You know if we compare ourselves, if only for the astonishing variety of music available and possible to create now, we live in a golden age of music. In baroque times, Europe had like 3 or 4 different main styles. French, German, Italian and maybe Spanish or English. Other countries had also their folk style going. It was national thing. We are lucky. Their literally hundred and hundred of aesthetics. Just think about that for a second. Also, music technology completely regenerated tonality into new way of exploring it. A minor got a complet rehaul, lots of people thought it was basically dead but synth and electronic instrument unlocked new ways to use it by virtue of its possibilities in timbre. Novelty was once again possible in the simple realm of tonality. It also unlocked harmony and pitch with the possibility of using with perfect exactitude any sound frequencies you wish! Every year new variations are born, in time they merge with each others and create new artists and new genres, its quite amazing to witness.
  13. Same reason people keep going back to the piano. Its effective and tickles the brain in a special way. Squelches are a special kind of magic.
  14. AE remix fucking SLAPS delicious Stakker Humanoid is lovely too. Curious to hear what the other mixes sound like.
  15. thefxbip

    Now Reading

    Once you get to talk in depth with people, you start realizing that nearly everyone has at least one extreme or traumatic story of this kind that has happened to them. I think there is a need for catharsis in the culture for these kind of experiences, told in that way, to integrate your own extreme stories into your life and move forward with acceptance, it is why they exists. The middle aged woman telling him the heating pad story after hearing Guts was a good example of that.
  16. thefxbip

    Now Reading

    I think what ultimately interests him is the human vulnerability that comes through strange events or extreme experiences. The way he speaks about those horrible stories in that interview always underline this imo. I had similar experiences with Sion Sono movies. The extreme always underline the human element. It is only there to make the contrast with the human vulnerability greater.
  17. thefxbip

    Now Reading

    I think artists dont really choose how a particular talent is gonna be expressed. It's a compulsive and obsessive thing. The subject chooses you more than the contrary. I really believe that. It's in him. He has a talent for it and obsession for it. I don't think he has much of a choice. Even if he tries to avoid it, it's gonna come back to him. The same way Monet was obsessed about lilies this guy is obsessed about the weird dark aspect of the human experience. I think he is genuine about it.
  18. thefxbip

    Now Reading

    I must say i agree with him. I think he is talking about the extremely weird aspect of reality than looking for shock. The secret pocket of reality living in people brains and lives that is rarely explored. I think he is looking for catharsis more than shock. oh fuck yea (absolutely LOVED I'm thinking about ending things by the way)
  19. thefxbip

    Now Reading

    I can understand that sentiment about Chuck hahaha Other than that anyone has an interest in reading screenplays? Started reading a few and i like it. It feels like recreating the movie. Hacking it with the imaginary mod. If anyone has good ones send me links. Might re-read Dostoievsky the Idiot. Found a cheap used copy. One of my favorite book. My problem with Dostoievsky is of course, that everything else seems tame and shallow in comparison once you go through them haha
  20. thefxbip

    Now Reading

    Did you read Consider This: Moments In My Writing Life After Which Everything Was Different by Chuck Palahniuk? Im intrigued by this one. I don't think i'll write a novel or anything but i usually enjoy what he has to say about storytelling and the creative process.
  21. thefxbip

    Now Reading

    Found a used Eschyle complete plays book for 3 bucks. Enjoying this a lot more than i thought. Prometheus Bound was great. Reminds me ive been wanting to read this for quite a while. Just ordered it.
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