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Everything posted by thefxbip

  1. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-10-sars-cov-virus-infect-ear.html '' Many COVID-19 patients have reported symptoms affecting the ears, including hearing loss and tinnitus. Dizziness and balance problems can also occur, suggesting that the SARS-CoV-2 virus may be able to infect the inner ear. A new study from MIT and Massachusetts Eye and Ear provides evidence that the virus can indeed infect cells of the inner ear, including hair cells, which are critical for both hearing and balance. The researchers also found that the pattern of infection seen in human inner ear tissue is consistent with the symptoms seen in a study of 10 COVID-19 patients who reported a variety of ear-related symptoms. The researchers used novel cellular models of the human inner ear that they developed, as well as hard-to-obtain adult human inner ear tissue, for their studies. The limited availability of such tissue has hindered previous studies of COVID-19 and other viruses that can cause hearing loss.''
  2. https://fxbip.bandcamp.com/album/reach Some more bip braindance trx.
  3. Christian Demonic Masturbation Mythology well damn
  4. stop listening to 128kbps mp3s you guys joke joke But yeah i think Drukqs has a very much PC tracker style sound that is different from the kind of sound he got out of his vintage synths and gear in later albums. Its a more piercing. aggressive and razor sharp sound, it cuts you more than the round and warm sound of Syro or Analord. But its what makes it work. Just the right amount of edge and pain to merge with the lush. They wouldnt hit the same if they were not.
  5. I raise you with a Munch (seems like '' woman sleeping with an arm falling'' is a genre in itself haha)
  6. NTFs. Or how with enough hype, wealth flex and money involved, you can scam people out of a GIF. I still find this absolutely unbelievable to witness, GIFs selling for thousands of dollars. It's beyond comprehension.
  7. Édouard Vuillard Just discovered him. Instantly entered my top 10 painters list i think. These are genius paintings.
  8. Saw Rubber Johnny in theaters at an experimental shorts screening back in the days. Mind was beyond blown.
  9. Demons dont exists. But mental illness and emotional pain can be a special kind of hell. In spiritual and religious matters, ive found the hard way, simplicity is often your best friend really. The demon stuff, the big flashy stuff won't help you, nor help anyone else. The most basic, simple things are the most important. It can be held in a few words and sentences. Everyone knows them but we forget about them because they are so simple and can seem almost unimportant by their simplicity in comparison with the loud, complicated or apocalyptic stuff.
  10. Aint gonne lie. I find the antiwork subreddit kind of beautiful.
  11. Such a masterpiece. Schnittke was a true visionary.
  12. Lovely album. Especially track 4 Spartan Blind and the last one Schlick2@46.
  13. A fucking genius https://moderecords.bandcamp.com/album/stries-mode328
  14. Good ol' round-robin. Its such a cool feature. Love it when synths can do that. Love synth sequencers with a round robin step modulation as well.(my tetra can do that)
  15. There was old guys complaining about the decadence of the youth and youth complaining about the decadence of their elders (until they themselves get old) since the world was born. Same old story. Every generation is nearly the same but delude themselves thinking otherwise. The cycle repeat forever.
  16. I use youtube as a discovery tool. Its decent for that. Then i buy bandcamp when i can if its available/if i like it enough. Tried Spotify once, didnt get the hype. Did not like the interface. Soulseek when im real broke, sometimes ill buy later for real good stuff/ dead musicians / rich musicians/vinyl only. (if theyre rich or dead they dont need my money, im poor, but i support everytime i can independant, living musicians) FLAC warrior, i dont buy physical anymore. I still prefer physical books but for music i dont care, give me 'em FLAC.
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