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Everything posted by thefxbip

  1. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Star Wars should just embrace itself and rebrand as Spaceballs.
  2. ''what superpower would you choose if you were a Marvel superhero'' ''the power to bankrupt Marvel forever''
  3. Everything makes me just want to live in an IDM cave forever and never come out. Shit is just too much. These are wild times to be alive.
  4. Yeah precisely. On a positive note, the minister of environment in Canada just mentioned how he wants to include Indigenous voices more in regard to conservation and environment. Gives me a bit of hope. But with politicians you never know... There is at least some improvement in Canada. It is slow but at least its there. Not as nearly enough as needed tho.
  5. Interesting talk about the subject of power If i recall well he points out the lack of safe-guards mecanism in lots of governments/leadership system right now, safe guards that would allow the people to keep leaders in check beyond the simple voting process.
  6. The ironic responses i get here just shows you how racism against the Indigenous is still very mainstream even if unconscious... Indigenous voices is just something that is not to be taken seriously and something that you discard with a little move of the hand and a little ''they were savages'' insinuation...
  7. I personally have met and spent time with people from some of these Nations in Canada and they certainly were not genocidal bunch of assholes... Just saying ''meh the noble savage myth'' as a wild card to deny the entirety of the Indigenous various Nations, their knowledge and ways of life is a bit too nihilistic and wont just do it for me.
  8. Also the way he played at engaging the viewer to have pity for characters and then messing with them showing how much of an asshole they are. Brillant stuff. Love the ambiguity.
  9. The thing i really love about The Hateful Eight is the actual weight that violence has in the movie. The rawness of it. It probably wasnt intended to be by Tarantino but for me it feels like an anti-war movie. It is what i get out of this film. In other movies he makes violence a bit cartoonish but here he takes the logic of an eye for an eye to the limit and shows its full ugliness. Whether it is revenge from a lawful perspective with the hanging of Daisy, revenge from a political and revolutionary perspective with the Major and Chris Mannix, from a ruthless criminal perspective with the gang, the fact that the movie ends up with everyone dying in gruesome and brutal fashion makes you see the whole absurdity of violence and revenge. I didnt get the same impact from something like Kill Bill or Django because the violence is too frivolous. When the violence actually means something it has way more impact.
  10. If America wants to get better it has to listen to indigenous voices asap.
  11. I hope that one day, the great American territory (Canada included) comes back under the protection of the indigenous people. The USA nation experiment is a failure if you compare it to the old Nations that were successfully taking care of the land and lived there for millennia. If it was down to me i would give all powers back to their traditional leadership right now.
  12. Rewatched Hateful Eight and it still holds up as one of my fav Tarantino. I nearly lost all faith in Tarantino post-Kill Bill. Had watched everything except Hateful Eight and nearly hated all of them until my room mate convinced me to watch it and to my surprise it was amazing. Superb huis-clos thriller. Great screenplay, great sets, great rhythm. And good ol' Ennio Morricone with the goosebumps.
  13. Went for Solaris by Tarkovsky on midnight theater. Highly recommend if you have a chance. The beginning is honestly weak (Tarkovsky himself considered Solaris his worst movie) but once you get past the first act it's genius. Was great to be able to witness the beauty of a Tarkovsky movie on the big screen. Changes you. Bonker movie. I recommend watching the Joel Potrykus stuff.
  14. Im sure having a fat cock in heaven gets old and quite banal once you've spent 666 eons there.
  15. Went for Solaris by Tarkovsky on midnight theater. Highly recommend if you have a chance. The beginning is honestly weak (Tarkovsky himself considered Solaris his worst movie) but once you get past the first act it's genius. Was great to be able to witness the beauty of a Tarkovsky movie on the big screen. Changes you.
  16. Being stuck somewhere. In the same body. Forever. Doesnt sound like heaven to me. Sounds more like hell.
  17. Hannah Arendt: If everybody always lies to you, the consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that nobody believes anything any longer. This is because lies, by their very nature, have to be changed, and a lying government has constantly to rewrite its own history. On the receiving end you get not only one lie — a lie which you could go on for the rest of your days — but you get a great number of lies, depending on how the political wind blows. And a people that no longer can believe anything cannot make up its mind. It is deprived not only of its capacity to act but also of its capacity to think and to judge. And with such a people you can then do what you please.
  18. I am very afraid for the remaining democratic institutions and structures if Trump comes back in 2024. Fucking hell we are seeing them being dismantled before our very eyes right now. The democratic impulse is dying in the USA. The amount of people that seems perfectly ok with an american style fascist/theocratic/strong leader government is terrifying. But sooner than later this shit is gonna blow in all their faces. If history has taught us one thing, is that if a people make the fatal mistake to support fascism they WILL pay the price in suffering to the tenfold because fascism only lead to national self-destruction. The dark power of propaganda and lies... As a canadian i am also very worried of the impact it will have to local politics. And world politics for that matter.
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