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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by tec

  1. It Follows - Loved it. Also loved that if the naked dude on the roof wasn't "it" then that scene is even scarier.
  2. Happy Birthday To Me - A slasher that is criminally long and is nowhere near as clever as it believes. Made me question why I watch so many of these films, and by the end I didn't care what happened. 5/5.
  3. I went to watch Upstream Color in a cinema just off Leicester Square, some bloke loudly scoffed popcorn in the back row for the first 15 minutes and then walked out when he'd finished eating, legend.
  4. Ah I love Lifeforce, maybe in my top 3 of films that have Patrick Stewart wigging out in a wheelchair.
  5. I can't stop listening to Old Red Eyes Is Back by The Beautiful South, I think I am turning into my Mum.
  6. Citadel - Little hoodie monster fucks run rampant on an abandoned estate, it's a bit similar to the Come to Daddy video actually. Few creepy moments, odd abrupt end. 4/5. Maybe 3/5. One of those.
  7. Just when I thought I couldn't love him more, oh AFX. And the end of 5 7z is fucking banging.
  8. Mulberry Bush makes me feel like I'm listening to the soundtrack to Savile's noncery.
  9. Falling Down and The Lost Boys are awesome but the bad definitely outweigh the good.
  10. If people knew how horrific the slaughterhouse was they would be vegetarian, and I find it deeply disrespectful that most are ignorant to what an animal has to go through so they can enjoy dinner. If you know the truth and still eat meat then that's okay, it's more than most do.
  11. Don't read this board if you don't want to speculate you total fucknut.
  12. I do think that guy has a lot of character but Rich's response speaks for all who have encountered sini. Rich? Like he's my mate or something, change that to Aphex's.
  13. I saw Jude Law walking through Soho the other day, like seeing most actors I was struck by how short he was but whilst not being a fan of his work I will admit that he's a good looking bloke. Almost ran him down.
  14. And anything with Ironside in automatically borders on cult status, the head 'splode pushes it over.
  15. I've been meaning to watch that for a while but my bird's nan has dementia and I fear it'll fuck her up, need to do it alone probably.
  16. ? Confirmed. I can confirm this confirmation.
  17. Bloody hell the new google maps is complete dog shit.
  18. Goodnight sweet prince, I hope you return.
  19. I have to leave for work but only this moment saw new tracks posted and went "aarggghh!". Something to look forward to later I suppose.
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