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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by tec

  1. Ah, I was half-hoping there was a load of 70's material I hadn't heard yet!
  2. This is awesome work, thank you very much mate.
  3. Really? I thought he'd only been active since the mid-00's.
  4. I agree, Scarfolk is good fun, I'd suggest you give it a go if this is a scene that you are interested in. If anything rather than Ghost Box it's inspired by the frightening health and safety videos of that era.
  5. ha when you were asking for recommendations a while ago I was gonna recommend not watching that one..or maybe i did that i dunno I don't recall that you did, but somehow it got decent reviews everywhere so I thought it was worth a go. One of those moments where I said five minutes in "how can this possibly be good? Do you want to keep watching it?". Foolishly we did.
  6. I've always been intrigued by Pandemic but I don't have that many nerd friends, can it be played one on one? I'd like somewhere to play Android online too, it's proving hard to find players in the grim real world.
  7. Honeymoon - Maybe the most annoying couple in film history, you are almost glad when bad things begin to happen to them. However, the end has someone stabbing their own genitals so it narrowly escapes a 1/5. 2/5.
  8. Awesome cap and badge combo, I may have to steal this style.
  9. Did you not find the American characters completely annoying? I loved the first and enjoyed this but the moments they are on screen are utter cringe.
  10. ^fucking harsh This is the weirdest thing I have seen in some time, is it for weird kicks or does he believe it's genuinely funny? I kinda hope the former.
  11. the last two pages are a lol, but anyway, Exists - Halfway through you could have replaced the actors with different people and I probably wouldn't have noticed. Made by the guy who done Blair Witch and proves that was definitely lightning in a bottle as he has got far worse. wait, just seen he done Lovely Molly which wasn't complete shit, how did he make this film? fucking hell.
  12. Tusk - Not a bad balance of comedy and horror but then Johnny Depp turns up and does Johnny Depp and the film grinds to a halt, but then this is a film where a man becomes a walrus so you can't be that fussy. 3/5.
  13. This could be it for the uploads, despite being told its "the beginning" Aphex is still a piss-taker of the highest calibre, I'm not holding my breath and am more than chuffed with what is there already.
  14. Just seen he is doing a film on Donald Crowhurst next, if you are intrigued watch the documentary Deep Water, ideally go in blind if you aren't familiar with Crowhurst, it will be fascinating.
  15. Manuka honey cream is the boss, get some of it. The new iTunes has killed the column browser so I've had to downgrade to version 10, Apple are dead to me.
  16. i am addicted to music, and drugs. this rdj bloke is quite good
  17. Insane, if I even made one of these songs I'd be wanking myself silly all the time.
  18. Cool, well that's that then, who's next mates? New BoC EP?
  19. (Philie T = http://www.discogs.com/Manor-Boys-Chelmsfords-Most-Wanted/release/850760 ) :psyduck: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaI've never even heard of that manor boys release Probably a newb question, but can someone explain to me why this might be a credible rumour? Also: YAAAAAAAYYYY!!!! HIFI UP TOP, DOWN LOW, THE WHOLE THING. Phil knows Grant and Richard pretty well anyway. But he's also a major wind-up merchant so who knows. Indeed, he was a funny fucker though, used to post here occasionally. Reminded me of his old film thing he tried to get going but seems this is all that remains. https://myspace.com/chelmsfordfilmsociety/videos Sweet, look forward to it, I was a big fan of Chelmsford Antiques.
  20. (Philie T = http://www.discogs.com/Manor-Boys-Chelmsfords-Most-Wanted/release/850760 ) :psyduck: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaI've never even heard of that manor boys release Probably a newb question, but can someone explain to me why this might be a credible rumour? Also: YAAAAAAAYYYY!!!! HIFI UP TOP, DOWN LOW, THE WHOLE THING. Phil knows Grant and Richard pretty well anyway. But he's also a major wind-up merchant so who knows. Indeed, he was a funny fucker though, used to post here occasionally. Reminded me of his old film thing he tried to get going but seems this is all that remains. https://myspace.com/chelmsfordfilmsociety/videos
  21. you've only been a member since 2012, just saying. No reason to act all territorial lol, indeed I remember when all this were fields...
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