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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by tec

  1. It has been said for other tracks but he finished fogbeak and just sat on it until now, it blows my mind.
  2. Go to bed or stay up for a bit and hope for others, this is tough, I wish I knew how much baccy he had.
  3. Fucking squelchy and harsh, glad I got the headphones on for this one.
  4. That is awesome, please link here when it's up mate.
  5. Afflicted - Once I stopped hoping that it was going to be good I enjoyed the dumb fun of it all. A cross between The Fly and Chronicle and not as good as either. But...
  6. Jesus H. Christ wat This sounds amazing How haven't I heard of this film? Is it one of those where the background of the film is more interesting than the film itself or should it be given a go?
  7. Big fan of this, and the name Daddy Ketchup.
  8. tec


    If Twin Peaks was flawless I would share your view but it really is not, some of the episodes from season 2 are remarkably poor and I am the biggest Lynch fanboy around. Revisiting this and putting it right would be glorious.
  9. This is the video to Morrissey's new song, and both are as bad as each other. This makes me sad.
  10. My brain imploded and I had a brutal migraine at 7am, an hour into LOTR, and I thought I'd gone blind. Slightly gutted, it finished at 4pm so my effort was weak.
  11. I'm going to a movie marathon this evening, all the Hobbit films followed by the Lord of the Rings, it's going to be bloody brutal.
  12. You what blud? It's a massive pisstake of sitcoms and their generic tropes, but it's Vic and Bob so it's also stuffed with surreal madness. I don't mind you not liking it but it sounds like you weren't even watching the same programme.
  13. Robot Overlords - Just when I think I can't find Gillian Anderson more sexy she starts speaking in an English accent. The film wasn't that decent, a bit too Dr.Who.
  14. is that the fake documentary about the guys who go to a bohemian grove esque thing at the end? I thought parts of it were really great, some of it was a little heavy handed/cheesy like the one guy wanting to go do a Zietgiesty self sustainable compound. They mixed a little bit too much together about the conspiracy world but i thought it was surprisingly well done. disclaimer: and most 9/11 truthers in reality are by default (at least on 9/11) talking less bollocks than non truthers That's the one, I kinda forgot about that compound bit but yeah, that was pointless. I liked the use of real conspiracy theories, the JFK speech was particularly well-timed, and I would pay so much money for that bull mask. I'm fine with the world to be full of 9/11 truthers, I don't believe a lot they say but it's good to have people around that question everything.
  15. The Conspiracy - What if all the 9/11 truthers weren't talking bollocks? I really enjoyed this horror mockumentary as I'm fascinated by cults, if you are too give it a go.
  16. Awesome show, it pains me a bit that I will never literally be friends with James McGill.
  17. But why didn't they just move sideways when that spaceship was going to roll onto them?
  18. yea, don't worry about it. What you're imagining about Lost is far more creative than what came to fruition in the end. Very true.
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