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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by tec

  1. That's harsh mate, you sound like a bit of a dick.
  2. tec


    She'll be remembered as the log lady but I'm most thankful to her for the behind the scenes work on Eraserhead, outstanding movie that one.
  3. I just noticed it's becoming a Sunday morning tradition of mine to come to this thread to see pictures of BCM getting pissed up.
  4. I have the same with most things the BBC does, don't feel it in films though.
  5. I need to see it again but the main thing I remember was feeling completely spaced out once outside the cinema and walking through Leicester Square, the beach scene was quite disturbing too. Read the book.
  6. chem trails in the background already be plotting against your newly fertile land, be wary comrade.
  7. Fucking Terry Butcher, just once I'd like a fat old bloke not to bring him up during a rant.
  8. tec

    Now Reading

    Sweet, sold on the music alone! I'll try and track it down.
  9. tec

    Now Reading

    i've been slowly working my way through the tv series. have you seen it? it's very bizarre in how it's made incorporating experimental filmmaking with a sort of dreamy folk narrative. I hadn't planned to but if you think it's worth a watch I'll give it a crack. Yeah it goes into the backstory a little, it leaves bits up to your imagination which is refreshing and kinda cool for something that is for children too.
  10. tec

    Go Corbyn

    They are both probably in the same league to be fair.
  11. tec

    Go Corbyn

    Can you be 100% sure on this. Who really knows what the initiations in to the National Union of Garments and Tailors is. He's been a vegetarian for years, even if he had in his younger days he has paid his debt by letting so many live.
  12. tec

    Now Reading

    The Owl Service - It fizzles out at the end but otherwise lovely folk horror set in the Welsh valleys, give it a go if hauntology is your cup of tea. Can't type for shit and only had a couple, what's happening?
  13. This is new to me, and it's the fucking business.
  14. It bums me out seeing little Jacko knowing what he's going to do to that cute face.
  15. tec

    Go Corbyn

    Are people gullible enough to believe this shite? With the supposed outrage over the national anthem, do any real people give a toss or is it the newspapers ramming it down our throat saying that they do?
  16. Johnny Depp is looking a bit rough around the edges these days.
  17. tec

    Go Corbyn

    I feel outrage at people being outraged by an atheist republican refusing to sing that dross, it's a never-ending spiral.
  18. tec


    It should be, "time and time again, i see her in my memes" I couldn't listen to this blokes music again after I saw him live.
  19. tec

    Go Corbyn

    delet doesn't do much for the aussie stereotype in this thread.
  20. tec

    Now Reading

    I'm going to be screwed when/if the next GoT comes out, it has been ages since I finished the last book and won't have a clue what's going on.
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