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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by tec

  1. Is your partner snoring too much a legitimate reason to breakup?
  2. Slaine - Warrior's Dawn, really enjoying it, the artwork is lush.
  3. You don't have to be stoned to post here, but it helps! LOL
  4. Dunno if I've already asked this and forgot the answer but is Spartacus any fun? My brother won't shut up about it but it looks like 300 made on a student budget.
  5. Cheeky lady behind kaini going for the photo of his arse, and why not?
  6. Rec 3 - A right old load of hairy ball hang, the closest I have come since Gozu where I felt the director was taking the piss. 0.34234 out of 5.
  7. That's only because Keith David is not the same as us mere mortals.
  8. Hell yes, the Running Man is maybe Arnie's best for me, the soundtrack is bloody fantastic and worryingly it's all becoming real. FILM REALITY
  9. That's a late contender for post of the year. *wipes away tear from japs eye*
  10. I'm quite a big fan of all of you, merry Jesus day one and everyone.
  11. Ross Noble for me, his improv skills are second to none.
  12. I recently started travelling down the same road and just finished Judge Dredd Casefiles 2, it's good fun, now onto Slaine: Warrior's Dawn and the first Strontium Dog.
  13. He has a sideline in flogging fake Ben Sherman's down Surrey Street market.
  14. Lord of Tears - Anyone else seen this one? It's got really good reviews but I don't get it, I know it's an independent film but still, the acting was appalling and the scary scenes go on until they become tedious and a bit embarrassing. Er, 2/5 I guess?
  15. Over The Garden Wall, creepy cartoon, maybe Adventure Time for goth kids.
  16. tec

    Now Reading

    I love it, I was also blessed to get a signed copy with a heartfelt message from the man himself too.
  17. tec


    That looks cool. I recently got this and it was disappointing. i'm not even going to fix that burger.
  18. Extraterrestrial. Like Alien Abduction but pretty good, rather than utter arse. Speaking of which, a bloke gets killed by an anal probe. Michael Ironside is a stoned 'Nam vet who tries to fight an alien with a machine gun. Super cheesy at times, if you like aliens though why not go for it.
  19. VHS 3/Viral, whatever - The first segment is complete dog shit, the second is cool and the last is retarded but kinda fun. If you are hungover or stoned this might do.
  20. I liked The Babadook too, best new horror I have seen, not that there is much else to rival it.
  21. Took a punt on The Absence by Martin Stiff because I liked the cover, it was surprisingly good.
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