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  1. I guess it's just a sampler of an upcoming digital album?
  2. Neurodancer

    elseq 1-5

    Well, how about that?
  3. WeMe's Ceephax reissues continue, big one! https://wemerecords.com/shop/ceephax-exidy-tours-2lp-gold-solid-vinyl-pre-order/
  4. Had posted about it here: Crazy that tracks like "Voyage au bout de la nuit" were just sitting there for 40+ years, not to mention how essential some of the OG tracks always have been!
  5. Just picked up from a local record store an early copy of the often-cited "holy grail" of Minimal Synth/Industrial/EBM, barely anyone could get their hands on the original tapes and it only took 43 years for the whole thing to be properly reissued – with extra tracks that didn't even see the light of day until now! https://chbb.bandcamp.com/album/chbb Officially out on 21 June 2024
  6. I think not more than the fair assumption that they're coming next, at least Untilted and Quaristice that had fairly standard 2LP versions which could be easily repressed. Not so sure about Oversteps and Exai, originally they came out in "boxset" versions, probably more expensive to make. And Sean recently said something about an elseq physical release not being completely out of the question.
  7. I'm fine with the addition of slower, heavily saturated alternate versions since they might come in handy, but it kinda bothers me that one of the most pronouncedly different – Flap Head (Cr7e Version) – was the one to be left out of the vinyl version... Maybe we didn't need 3 Digeridoos or 3 Isoprophlex, but oh well.
  8. From the description above, it sounds like they reversed the arc, because the first one had pretty much escalating intensity from beginning to end – not sure about the actual material being played though.
  9. Talking about Lisbon A here, it would be hard to ask for a better first time seeing them, that amalgamation of dance styles being twisted and mangled in ever unexpected ways, but still making you unable to sit still – they definitely didn’t let the auditorium context get in the way of smashing everyone’s face in with the most satisfying beats. Speaking of faces, given it was a Portugal debut there was also this kind of communal feeling in seeing so many familiar ones that I got to know from this kind of music over the years, all of them clearly waiting a long time for this and with a big smile by the end of it. Can’t wait for the recording!
  10. This was a masterclass
  11. This is too fucking sad. Been a fan of most stuff since Negative Fascination and always admired the consistency in and around the music. Plus, he was an incredible DJ, blew my mind twice – I was lucky to be on the lineup of the last one, though some damned delays didn't allow more than a few minutes with him, you could tell he was an enchanting person. Huge loss.
  12. Another reissue coming up: https://wemerecords.com/shop/ceephax-acid-crew-ceerial-port-ice-ice-baby-vinyl-pre-order/
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