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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Just asked an Italian friend and he said it's not true. You're filling us with lies, Bob!
  2. Brotherhood and Black Flag are the only ones that matter. The story felt like it was going places after Brotherhood but then you realize that they were just fucking around
  3. The internet in all its glory... ...and then...
  4. what's in the long bun, looks like fucking rice? Hahahaha
  5. I'm watching facers trying to hijack people. Fucking morons. I mean, the cause they're supporting is great but who on earth told them it's a good idea to wear silly hats, clown noses, walk around barefooted, and awkward dances in front of people.
  6. the bun was quite soft actually, but not so soft that it fell apart. burger was nice, just a supermarket one, but from some cut called the Picanha, which is a Brazilian cut apparently, I usually just make them myself from some mince. spuds were Roosters, the best all purpose potato going, an Irish variety that you can get in the UK now as well. turned out a bit soggy though, need to change the oil I think, also only cooked them once, usually do them twice but was lazy last night. when I have the time I tripple cook them for the best results: Oh shit, you made it yourself!? Damn, boy. Have you ever tried cooking your french freies sous vide-style before frying them?
  7. Those fries look solid. The burger bun looks like it'll cut your palate open
  8. This is a joke, right? I think being vegan has done something inexplicable to Moby's brain.
  9. Yeah, clams are good. Alright, listen up... you guys don't know what life is unless you've had a pizza with nutella and mascarpone. It's the fucking BOMB! I know people have a tendency to add strawberries to it. But no. Fuck strawberries. All the photos that Google shows you if you do a search for it make it look disgusting. But trust me. Come to my hometown and I'll buy you a nutella-mascarpone pizza. I'll treat you real nice. Treat ya good.
  10. DHS officials: 21 states potentially targeted by Russia hackers pre-election
  11. I never had a problem. Just wanna make that clear. I just hate alcohol and what it does to certain people :)
  12. Squee


    These are great. I'm considering buying the dog shirt ;D
  13. Oh, I thought each episode was something new... oh well...
  14. I know, I know, but it doesn't lead to anything - which is perfectly fine by me. It's just him testing stuff out.
  15. I like the idea quite a lot. Not a huge fan of Rakka but I fucking love those alien structures and I love the fact that it's all over the place and that the story is close to non-existing.
  16. Squee


    lol But hey... some of that wonky trap that tsuruda makes is fucking amazing!
  17. Holy shit, lol... You should probably get a tetanus shot
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