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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Absolutely. But the Moon soundtrack is overrated and he didn't really add anything good to the Mass Effect 3 soundtrack.
  2. Just make sure that the next track you start working on is completely different. I tried copying one of my own tracks for 3 years until I realised that that wasn't going to work.
  3. If it works, it works. Danny Elfman has made some great soundtracks for Tim Burton. John Williams has made some great soundtracks for Spielberg. Michael Giacchino has made some great sounds for JJ Abrams etc. I've never been a fan of Zimmer, so I'm not going to comment on that. But Johann Johansson is a great composer. Really great. And he's done electronic stuff before so I wouldn't worry at all.
  4. Pretty much my thoughts. I am almost 100% sure this Vangelis-like music in the teaser is just for the teaser. The actual film could have completely different soundtrack which worries me that this could make a new Blade runner movie sound like not a "Blade runner" movie at all (if you know what I mean)... This. I'm pretty sure Johann Johannsson hasn't even started the real production yet since he's been touring for the last couple of months. But then on the other hand he apparently started working on Arrival before they had started shooting the movie.
  5. Instead of that Facebook link here's a proper video link...
  6. Found myself a vocalist for one of my tunes... the EP is slowly but surely coming together now.
  7. Rogue One 7/10 There was stuff in this movie that I absolutely hated but it's a Star Wars movie and it had a lot of battles and cool locations
  8. I still can't believe you guys elected that guy. I'm still fucking baffled.
  9. Hahaha... my colleagues keep surprising me. So I was asked to produce a children's audiobook. My colleague asked me if I could some sound design as well. I told her, that I'm not hired to do sound design so I won't do it as an employee but she could hire me as a freelancer and I'd invoice her through my own company. She said, "ok!". I then received the script and had a look at how many sounds effects they wanted me to create. Every single sound effect was highlighted in the script so I just had a quick look and told her that it would take me about 4 hours and then told her how much that would cost. Everything was a-ok. Two days later I started working on it but then noticed that the client had requested music as well which I hadn't been told about. Luckily, I have a fairly large backlog of music so I was able to finish some stuff and then use it for the audiobook. I then asked my colleague why they hadn't told me that the client had requested me to do music as well because if I had known the price I would have given would have been WAY different. As a matter of fact, I would have charged 10 times as much. She then told me, "but how was I supposed to know? I don't read the scripts". But you're a fucking salesperson! You're supposed to know what the fuck you're selling to our voice talents and to your suppliers - me included! Anyway, I finally finished the project and then told my colleague that I was going to invoice them. My colleague said, "Sure! You can charge us for 2 hours." I then told him, "wait, I told the salesperson that it was going to take me 4 hours? And I even went up and beyond and made a bunch of music for free?". My colleague then responded that the salesperson couldn't find anything in her inbox about it taking 4 hours. I then pretty much told them to fuck off and that they could have it for free because I can't be bothered to invoice anyone for two hours of work when it all in all has taken me around 6-7 hours. My colleague then got really mad at me and told me I was a baby and then told me to donate the money to charity. LOL. I can't wait to go to work tomorrow. Fucking amateurs.
  10. I don't see the problem? Aren't most phones on 4G/3G pretty much constantly?
  11. beautiful. The end is a great unintended homage to a progenitor memehttps://youtu.be/jhrwC2BoAkE Hahahaha! Just what I needed!
  12. Nailed the music for a commercial. Only did one draft and that was it.
  13. This is the most cringeworthy shit I've ever watched. Nintendo was way ahead of the game when they decided to skip press conferences and simply release videos where they announce new stuff.
  14. pretty cool Do you know what is the tune used for the video? Trentemøller - Vamp But the version in the video is slowed down
  15. That game needs more sound. Why does everything sound so empty? I know it's just a trailer but still. Looks beautiful but man... I'm already kinda missing the robots from Mass Effect 2 and 3. I don't want to fight Avatar monsters.
  16. A much nicer place to live one would have thought. Looking at the neighboring countries like Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic I wouldn't be so sure about that. Cuba still has universal health care and education. It's a very safe place compared to the region. But yes, human rights violations, poverty and so on also. You missed a neighbouring country called the USA. The economic development differences are down to the mix of ideologies and the mean IQ for each population. And certainly Cuba has long been suspected of lying about it's health care outcomes which is pretty typical, if a program doesn't work, just double down and fake the figures until the magical thinking can make them. Certainly it's human rights abuses are unassailable facts. Of course you could rebut that and say, well the ongoing american attempts to undermine the country's will to remain communist justified the extra judicial killings and the imprisonment without trial. heh. I wonder how many would see that the US was trying to mess with Cuba, but steadfastly refused to think that obama had been similarly meddling in the Ukraine or Syria. nwae, /politics off, no point doing this in a dead zone.
  17. I just heard someone in this cafe I'm sitting in say, "omg, I just love juice". It made me sad.
  18. The Monster was fucking terrible! It was worse than one of the man in a monster suit X-Files episodes. And it looked worse than that.
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