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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Their website seems to be down haha Anyway, they can do whatever they want. It's their company and their products.
  2. John Wick 4 was silly and I loved it. The Paris-sequence was amazing.
  3. Dark title considering what they've been through
  4. https://abcnews.go.com/US/texas-abortion-law-means-woman-continue-pregnancy-despite/story?id=97918340 Congratulations.
  5. May I recommend "Running with the Devil" on Netflix? I think it's pretty safe to say that one shouldn't take advice from John McAfee - alive nor dead.
  6. https://jalopnik.com/charges-dropped-against-driver-who-opened-fire-on-i-95-1850237128 You guys are out of your fucking minds.
  7. I am honestly considering buying a bluetooth blocker. They are illegal as fuck as they also block out cellphone signals, but it should make my summers a lot easier when people decide to have garden parties.
  8. Thundercat's charisma would destroy Squarepusher before getting up on stage.
  9. This is how I want to win an Oscar... with a huge ass photo of myself dead on all the screens in the room.
  10. Neighbors are the worst. I want to live in the city center with no one around me. Not really a first world problem... more a "hilarious first world situation"... but I think the big news we just told my parents-in-law couldn't be matched by the fact that I got National Geographic working on their TV.
  11. Oh for a second I thought Tweetbot was back. Haven’t really used Twitter regularly since they destroyed third party apps.
  12. Such a weird movie. His movies always have the best tension build-ups and then it suddenly slips on 9000 banana peels and continues to do so until the movie ends. The intro with Dave Bautista and the little girl was brilliant and from there on things just started falling apart.
  13. Well, someone has to level out the IDM-ism around here.
  14. That Flowdan track is fucking amazing. His Oizo & Missy Elliott boot is cool as well. His stuff is so fucking well produced it should make every other producer sad. Also, Sonny boy seems like a super nice guy.
  15. I completely forgot about that movie. It was fucking horrible, hahaha! I'm all for craziness, but this was just lazy "lol so random" crap.
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