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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Paul “Pee Wee Herman” Reubens has passed away.
  2. Yeah, I actually joked about that during the break. But I guess that's just Nolan's style. ADD people's best friend.
  3. Agreed. I did love the chemical reaction visualisations at the beginning of the film. Loved that! Another gripe would be the CONSTANT music. Relax, Chris. God damn.
  4. Watching this now. Super fascinating but it will probably lead to nothing.
  5. One of the best games the last 10 years. The DLC is very good as well. Go go go!
  6. Oppenheimer The most hectic 3 hour movies I've ever seen. With 3 hours at hand you would think that it would take its time, but no... felt like a 3 hour long ADHD trailer. It was absolutely fine.
  7. Saw the best tweet about this earlier today... https://twitter.com/sadgirlhend/status/1680757268332138496?s=20https://twitter.com/sadgirlhend/status/1680757268332138496?s=20https://twitter.com/sadgirlhend/status/1680757268332138496?s=20
  8. I'm glad this is the first reaction I get because I sometimes can't tell if I'm just overly unsympathetic about this situation - but when his kids are brought into this I'm seeing red flags all over the place - or all over the spectrum. It has been some time since I've seen his kids, but as far as I remember they were both very outgoing and nothing about them made me think they were "special" in any kind of way. I can only compare them to another child I know who has been diagnosed with infantile autism and boy howdy that's a whole different league of special. I've been thinking... imagine his daughter is at a get-together when she's in her mid-20s. She's talking to some person who turns out to be an expert in the field of autism and she tells him, "Oh I was diagnosed when I was 6 years old" and the person she is talking to goes, "Haha, what? No." That would be something.
  9. 15 out of 50. I'm actually glad this topic got bumped, because I have this friend... Long story short... a former colleague and good friend of mine called me a couple of years ago and said he wanted to apologise if he had ever acted strangely, because he had just been diagnosed with ADHD. I told him, "no man, you've never seemed off to me in any way". To add some context, his parents have never really been there for him. It's not that they treated him badly, but their focus was on his sister. But he's an intelligent guy and very easy-going. But getting this diagnosis seemed to help him understand himself somehow. 6 months later I spoke to him again and in the meantime he had been reading up on autism and had diagnosed himself with autism. That in itself sounds absolutely insane - at least to me. But I would love to hear people's thoughts/experience with this? But wait, there's more... he then diagnosed his daughter with autism as well. Then a little later his son and then finally his wife. Both kids are now home schooled because it's "best for them" and every time I hang out with him now he likes to get deep and talk about my familly for some fucking reason and every time he'll go, "Sorry, if I'm being too direct, but that's just the way my brain is wired". And every time I think to myself, "No, man... I don't think that's the case. I think that you think that you're autistic and now you think these little quirks are due to you being "neurodivergent"." Earlier this year he got fired from his job because he was "being too direct, but that's just because of how my brain is wired" and he's now a self-proclaimed expert and a therapist on the subject of neurodivergence and offers consultations. Ok, timeout. Thoughts? Great, now check this out... Thoughts?
  10. Spider Verse 2 There's not a single frame from that movie I wouldn't put up on my wall. Amazing.
  11. Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part One Loved it! Just like the last 3 MI movies.
  12. I've given Echospace a lot of shit in the past but that Dreamscaping [Variant Redesign] is pretty fucking sweet.
  13. Another shooting. You just keep hitting the home runs, America.
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