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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. of which 95% are meaningless tripe anyway.
  2. #teamstereo for 3d hallucination effect.
  3. *pulls on unwashed onesix tour shirt* mustered af!
  4. if only xltronic was still alive to experience this. ?
  5. not like exai, ae_live 14/16, elseq or nts sound particularly alike with the exception of certain obvious track variations / evolutions (elyc, hv moda / carefree etc). take irlite, 14:17 into utrecht, 13x0 step and acid mwan idle... just some random examples. not really samey now, are they? don't quite get the notion that max made em the ac/dc(wn2) of "idm". dunno. anyhow i'm also expecting some onesix connection according to the artwork.
  6. love the fact that they're effectively pulling another NTS with this, meaning a collective first listening experience. that turned out good imo. ae thx!
  7. oh fuk yes. i'll even be home from work already.
  8. you're probably right, kinda far fetched, just something about the snare sound that immediately reminded me of it.
  9. Ye not much you can do except getting gud (jump, duck, rinse, repeat) and equipping Amethyst & Bell. I'd also recommend Saeta as prayer to be able to keep your flasks til phase 2. You can do it! I believe in you!
  10. Debla completely destroys him... with the right build (i take it you mean his 2nd form).
  11. dang man you're right! can't edit OP i'm afraid but yeah...
  12. ah, good olde telekolleg... "it's like, how much more beige could this be and the answer is none. none more beige."
  13. flh, fermium, theswere, coenc3, all end... bit meh tbh.
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