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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. nice, fell for it.
  2. beautiful stuff, the lighting in this one is like straight out of a hopper painting:
  3. used to enjoy morningrise quite a bit, especially this part: can't say i've been following em much since, but judging by the stuff my flatmate (big fan) showed me it went all downhill from there.
  4. no mention of the cirith ungol comeback album yet?? not too shabby, positively surprised tbh, especially by the vocal delivery.
  5. oh and speaking about inside: only recently learned there's been an ARG going on since june 16, still unsolved. reads like cryptographer's delight, pretty mindblowing actually (spoilers galore obvs): https://wiki.gamedetectives.net/index.php?title=Inside_ARG
  6. This is Hideo Kojima's favorite game. Really good shit and super cinematic for a sidescroller. Not too long either so it's pretty easy to play through in a few sittings. music and sound design are top notch, too especially during part.
  7. entertaining read. but i don't think trump is the worst human being ever or anything, would he have his righteous status as some village idiot in the middle of nowhere he'd probably be worthy of pity really. as (arguably) most powerful man in the world however... really just another of those examples that lead neoliberal ideas of meritocracy ad absurdum. imo. like white says: the most disturbing thing is the fact that apparently anything can assemble a cult following in vast portions of a society given the circumstances, and any discussion based on reason seems to be impossible. i used to think educational systems could be an answer but honestly nowadays that everyone travels with a supercomputer in his/her pocket, having the whole of human knowledge at disposal at any time, there's really no justification for ignorance anymore already. but turns out doesn't work shit, instead we got "post-factualism". i'm honestly out of ideas for alternatives that don't go in somewhat totalitarian directions eventually and that makes me sad when i think about it. blah.
  8. "*kkrrrpffl*... WASH... YOUR... HAAANDS!"
  9. i wonder if kyle reese was the inspiration behind the name... would be kinda ironic rly.
  10. tbh i didn't even consider he's most likely referring to ancient greek, which i guess is fair game (wir ja sagen ja auch "kaoss" etc)... still... fucking imbibles!
  11. that's more how i remember it: (da bum tss)
  12. new shirts arrived today, deffo nicer "in the cloth".
  13. ah yes, plyphon, what a magnificently weird piece of music, even for ae's standards. it's one of those where they seemingly invent a whole new genre on the side only to perfect and drop it again. cyber circus toilet punk gone awry? juggalo bass rush grind hop? should one even ask? srsly what the hell does even remotely sound like this fucking track? plyphon. (oh yeah and that vid is pretty solid, too.)
  14. utter shite from every conceivable angle.
  15. hm now that you mention it... credit rly goes to gottfried böhm tho. some leftover collage work for our last album's artwork. might end up on physical or more likely not. thanks for having a look!
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