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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. it's also about 13x better. *ducks*
  2. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> void main () { srand((unsigned int)(time(NULL))); char char1[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789/,.-+=~`<>: "; for(int i=0; i<rand() % RAND_MAX; ++i){ printf("%c", char1[rand() % (sizeof char1-1)]); } }
  3. ショーン:“all end”は、『Exai』の“Bladelores”というトラックに似ている。そして、最後のセッションだ。“all end”は、『Exai』の“Bladelores”のアイディアのいくつかを展開したもので、NTSのためのスペシャル・ヴァージョンと言えるよ。だから“Bladlores”の終章、終りということだね。 Sean:All End is similar to a track called Bladelores from Exai. And it was the end session. All End is an expansion of some ideas from a track on Exai. Bladelores. Kind of a special NTS version of that track. So the name is about, how it’s the end of Bladlores. ロブ:終りのすべて、全部。 Rob:And it’s all of it. source: http://www.ele-king.net/interviews/006477/
  4. ye, pretty messy innit. it's hard for me to rate an artwork without knowing the corresponding music, as it should somewhat carry over the latter's vibe, shouldn't it? honestly in that regard i think draft (front) is pretty off, despite being fancy in its own right.
  5. case solved. can we has some musics now pls?
  6. the art's ok imo. quite digging the font actually. https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/wayne-fearnley/amina/
  7. jaderpansen


    love br2049, but this looks awfully unimaginative, especially the costume and set designs. cast lacking charisma for the most part, too. no spark i'm afraid. could still end up being kinda decent tho i guess. oh and fuck dark side of the moon. mit anlauf.
  8. KATAKLYSM. nuff said. so good. my man.
  9. srsly tho pulse demon has some of the best album artwork ever.
  10. how is "we just prepped 2 albums" vague tho?
  11. Yeah i'm starting to wonder how long they wanna hold the other one in the pipe. Sending out the first batch just to release a second one shortly afterwards would be rather unecological, wouldn't it? So i guess we're talking either really soon (also due to the fact that the artwork seems to be finished already) or X-mas trade / early next year. Dunno.
  12. yeah apparently it was switched with this: https://player.ochre.io/assets/silence.mp3 ?
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