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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. grats! what achievements didn't unlock? if you were going for the "get over the bridge under 3 hours": total time of all playthroughs counts i'm afraid. bile flask one is mean, i'd recommend equipping the relic which prevents usage, muscle memory taking over easily... edit: did you do the ng+ exclusive bosses? if no you absolutely should, they're really well designed!
  2. also it's not as if ae pre sign output wasn't 90% 4/4 already anyway, so kind of a moot point imo.
  3. there is nothing in the idea of a 'product' that tells us half as much as when there is mis-direction, and as all great magicians profess and exemplify, we are not to be told. preferably ever. why? because it is actually the least important part of the entire ritual. the immediate demand to know after a trick *appears* to have concluded shows us (mostly about ourselves - although we might insist that it concerns others) that we will not allow awe and suspension of disbelief to rest without disturbance, and the evidence of our senses is not that which we are prepared to trust - always preferring external verification before we can file away the experience. to be able to hold contradictions without resolution is the mark of a certain development, and aids for this practice are few and far between. and here we have one. a world-view presented by the act of setting forth acts of creation into the public arena means a possibility of entering this, and the terms are dictated precisely; because to truly experience the local conditions, a certain amount of letting go of touristic assumptions must take place. any resistance felt is a symptom that indicates where effort must be extended. "SIGN" does not allow ease except on a superficial level, and what seem to be familiar indications of direction and location are at worst obscurations and at best mirages... as well as there being the possibility that they are, in fact, sleight-of-hand carried out right in front of us. not being the place, the labels are disintegrated in a seemingly impossible fashion, and carpets and tablecloths are whipped out from underneath a large collection of objects (again, including ourselves), and disbelief should be the least of our worries. please note that magicians call what they do "effects" and not "tricks," and I have no doubt (even if I should) that this is the case with "SIGN." my favorite magical acts are those a) where the effect happens inside the audience and not outside, and b) when an explanation is given, but it is in fact, yet another part of the effect. but best of all, is when there is no trick but appears to be: after all, the saying goes, that "magicians guard an empty safe." the emptiness in that safe is what we can be granted access to if we meet the designer of the safe on their own terms, and then we may come to realise how valuable that space truly is. Andrew M. McKenzie
  4. yeah but what's shrouded by those and the mixing / dynamics in general... dunno.
  5. yay, vinyl arrived, all safe n sound. the orange insides of the cover are a nice accent. nicely vibrant colors, too. would it mean undercutting their sales if i share the dl code? ?
  6. PFUI FUCKING DEIBEL ? this whole asmr business is just irritating af. kthxbye.
  7. hesse exponentially turning to shit. see you on the other side...
  8. newbound maybe?? to me it also sounds familiar but i'm thinking atari 2600, can't put finger on a particular game tho.
  9. @digit @IOS you should consider patreon. srsly. would gladly show some appreciation for your efforts with cold hard cash. of course ae would have to be ok with it.
  10. nov 13 was floating around as date. sean talked about having prepped 2 albums besides a new live set based on a revamped system, so that probably won't be it.
  11. so yo, where them japanese based members at? peace7? anyone? :3
  12. u mean these very distant bleepy noises coming to the surface when dynamics are low? not able to identify em as such but yeah, there's something there.
  13. n Cur excerpt here: https://diskunion.net/clubt/ct/detail/1008189907 (caution: no beats / tails, orchestra instead)
  14. btw anyone getting the japanese version (+ n cur)? maybe that one contains the verb tails...
  15. Legit introduction? Thoughts? Anywhoo props for including the Buck Tick remix, definition of timeless. Those negative edge bass drums... mmmmh!
  16. alrighty, got me dispatch note! wee.
  17. oh je. lol @ "sounds like aphex twin in 2000". both well-meant tho, i guess. pitchfork pls. fucking hell where's mine? guess the shirt's slowing things down... is there really some indication for another volume on the artwork?? XP
  18. Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network
  19. thanks for sharing! dang, after reading that i want the full 2 hour conversation... very enlightening in places indeed! _____ How do you feel about the album when you listen to it now? "It’s strangely jarring.[...]It’s difficult to listen to because it’s too emotionally resonant.[...]I’m reluctant to play it too much because I feel like that place it puts me in is perhaps a little bit too cathartic." _____ exactly.
  20. lovely remix, aged really well imo. interesting to find quite alot of negative reception from back in the day... can't believe it's supposed to be eleven years. fuck.
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