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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. "ironically this will now be cut from the recording of this stream and sweatilly analysed and wanked over for years to come" (North Spiral) So why isn't this reality yet? In case you missed it: On 30.03.20 Sean AE randomly skipped through his jam recordings folders while being live on mixlr, offering a rare insight into track evolutions. Quite the fucking treat, thanks again for that! Anywhoo i guess with the official onesix release being just ahead and mixlr transmissions having only ended yesterday it's not quite the time to dissect these yet, but hey, i thought i'd still make a start by timestamping shit and pointing out ("!") familiar tracks / variations as well as personal highlights... What about yours? Did i miss something? This is the version i took for reference: https://we.tl/t-GwBers9Fq0 (thanks go to adm1n for extraction) 001 00.00-00.49 ? 002 00.49-01.55 ? (traces of spl47?) 003 01.55-02.00 ? 004 02.01-02.06 ? 005 02.07-02.20 ? 006 02.21-02.43 ? 007 02.45-03.53 ? 008 03.54-03.57 ? (onesix?) 009 03.59-04.01 ? 010 04.09-05.09 ? 011 05.06-05.17 ? (this rules) ! 012 05.17-05.54 ONESIX ("breakbeats") ! 013 05.55-06.25 ? 014 06.26-07.04 ? 015 07.04-07.30 ? (raunchy trek) ! 016 07.30-07.39 ? 017 07.41-08.01 E0 ! 018 08.01-08.36 AE_LIVE ! 019 08.41-08.45 AE_LIVE ! 020 09.05-09.12 ? 021 09.12-09.15 ELYC9 7HRES ! 022 09.15-11.22 ACDWN2 ! 023 11.22-11.23 ? (i call this one glocko, the second of sound) 024 11.25-11.30 ? 025 11.31-11.35 ? (somewhat familiar) 026 11.35-12.00 AE_LIVE ! 027 12.00-13.24 ? (AE_DNB) ! 028 13.26-13.33 ? 029 13.38-13.39 ? 030 13.47-13.50 C7B2 ! 031 13.53-14.39 ? 032 14.39-14.51 ONESIX (moar "breakbeats") ! 033 14.52-15.24 ? 034 15.25-15.57 ? (xektses??) 035 15.59-16.01 ONESIX ! 036 16.02-16.08 ? 037 16.09-16.16 ? (super quiet... onesix?) 038 16.16-16.55 ? 039 16.56-17.30 ONESIX (bubbles) ! 040 17.33-17.38 32A REFLECTED ! 041 17.39-18.05 ? 042 18.06-18.09 AE_LIVE ! 043 18.10-18.41 AE_LIVE (G1E1) ! 044 18.43-19.02 AE_LIVE ! 045 19.02-19.42 AE_LIVE ! 046 19.42-20.07 ? 047 20.08-20.12 ? 048 20.12-20.17 ONESIX ! 049 20.18-20.19 ? 050 20.24-20.30 ? 060 20.32-20.38 ONESIX (same as above) ! 061 20.39-20.45 ? (pan flute...nice!) ! 062 20.45-20.52 ? 063 20.52-21.16 ? 064 21.20-21.27 ? 065 21.28-22.23 BEST SHIT EVAR ("fol3"(not rly)+pads, heavily in love with this one) !!! 066 22.25-22.31 ? (PEAL MA?) 067 22.36-22.41 ? 068 22.42-22.45 ? 069 22.45-25.15 ? (onesix?) 070 23.35-23.36 ONESIX ! 071 23.43-23.47 ONESIX ! 072 23.48-23.56 ? 073 24.00-24.32 ? (variations of some beat, LIVE?) ! 074 24.34-24.44 ? 075 24.50-24.53 ONESIX ! 076 25.00-25.39 E0 (faster) !! 077 25.40-25.43 AE_LIVE ! 078 24.44-26.04 ? 079 26.04-27.20 ? (oh yes) !! 080 27.22-27.27 ? 081 27.27-27.32 DEBRIS FUNK (outro i think?) ! 082 27.33-27.54 MESH CINERAL (proto version, interesting) !! 083 27.59-28.26 ? (EASTRE proto?) 084 28.29-30.02 EASTRE ! 085 30.06-31.03 FEED1 ! 086 31.16-31.22 FLH ! 087 31.23-32.17 ? 088 32.17-32.22 AE_LIVE ! 089 32.23-32.35 ? 090 32.54-32.57 AE_LIVE ! 091 33.00-33.10 ? 092 33.11-33.19 AE_LIVE ! 093 33.21-33.26 AE_LIVE (intro) ! 094 33.28-33.51 ? 095 33.52-33.59 AE_LIVE ! 096 34.00-34.31 AE_LIVE (violvoic urly v) ! 097 34.32-34.58 AE_LIVE ! 098 34.58-35.08 ? (ae_live proto?) 099 35.09-35.16 ? (") 100 35.17-35.35 ? 101 35.37-35.57 RECKS ON (pads only) ! 102 35.57-35.59 VIOLVOIC (live version) ! 103 36.01-36.06 ? 104 36.06-36.21 ? (weird house) 105 36.21-37.16 ? 106 37.24-37.28 AE_LIVE ! 107 37.28-37.37 ? 108 37.39-37.46 ? 109 37.47-39.13 ? ("trip hop") ! 110 39.13-40.43 AE_LIVE (violvoic) ! 111 40.25-41.12 AE_LIVE (G1E1) ! 112 41.12-41.35 GLOS CERAMIC ! 113 41.37-41.42 ? 114 41.42-41.44 L3 CTRL ! 115 41.45-41.48 AE_LIVE ! 116 41.48 AE_LIVE (intro diff version) ! _____________________________________________________ Formatting gone to shit... oh well whatever.
  2. if not today it's most likely tomorrow. tdr posting live artwork as a kind of countdown is pretty much confirmed: "nahcirn@thedesignersrepublic: Call it a throwback and foreshadowing wrapped into one"
  3. "2 albums prepped"... sounds pretty clear to me, but what do i know.
  4. The answer is yes to all of that... AND MOAR!
  5. yeah, as pointed out in the rob pls thread one of their very best tracks on probably the best volume of one of their best releases... so far.
  6. the giant inflatable vagina really ties the room together.
  7. jaderpansen

    Rob pls

    wasn't that remark about rob hall?
  8. "ironically this will now be cut from the recording of this stream and sweatilly analysed and wanked over for years to come" lol yeah.
  9. some bits are deffo onesix related. sweet bejeebus what a treat.
  10. srsly let's not be whiny cunts. (and check out the steels rework. it's pretty fucking amazing.)
  11. woah. the steels (the feels remix). crazy good! do go on.
  12. oh... i am missing out, aren't i... ?
  13. somewhere towards the end of yesterday's set he mixed in some synthezied voice saying "wash your hands"... subliminal!
  14. jaderpansen

    Rob pls

    so you made spaces how v. thank you for that.
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