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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. ye, might be worth a shot *ba dum tss*.
  2. also looks like merz is getting away with mild symptoms. fuk dis. (semi-j/k) also-also what the shit: the retirement home i work at is still accepting visitors. just some half-assed stipulations going liek "only one per resident at a time and only for 1 hour each", like anyone's actually gonna control this shit. today they even held group activities and the fucking cafeteria in our foyer in was open... while regular ones out in the street had to close. dafuq? the cdu's main electorate is at stake after all!
  3. jaderpansen

    Rob pls

    rob pls thread slowly but steady catching up with sean pls thread. proud of you, rob pls thread. @rl rob (not thread): be safe pls. (sean too.)
  4. still receptionist in the same retirement home since the last thread of this kind. what can i say? it pays the rent, albeit barely. working hours are all over the place, mostly late shifts, tho. shouldn't be all too exciting in the near future. i feel bad for our residents, lots are socially distanced anyway.
  5. impeccable flow yo. lush af. sets itself apart nicely from its predecessor in terms of vibe, too, imo. fucking LM3 right now liek FUK. "lol" at the title coming out just at the right time... ? no.
  6. new internal rot. aussie grind. wild.
  7. well if you don't mind oc
  8. jaderpansen

    Rob pls

    sean pls oops wrong thread del pls.
  9. c'mon let's not stress the 'git. (still: pls)
  10. jaderpansen

    Rob pls

    i was robbed by tew men
  11. Ya, unthinkable this would've probably been lost forever if it wasn't for that bootleg. You sure it's supposed to be a remix tho? The original Ccec is following that track in the same set... If anything the beat reminds somewhat me of Zeiss Contarex. Tis the jam yo. More top shelf: Squeller, Left Blank, Zeiss and Netlon, followed by the rest.
  12. Went to Oulu, Finland last summer. First thing we did was eat reindeer pizza at a place called Da Mario. Can recommend.
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